
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Update Day - Pandamonium!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with the weekly update!

Before we get into it, I'm sorry if in this post I sound upset or something. I've been feeling a little blah, and I'm kinda sad, since my niece went home today. We were watching her for four and a half days, and after playing with her for a while, getting into sorta a routine, it's sad not having her here. But, I am glad it's quite here now, with just me and my parents. Aaaand there's no more little kid shows on.. 😜 PAW PATROL!

Without any further ado, let's jump into the update!

This weeks Wild Weekend sale, is called Pandamonium! Featuring a bunch of panda items, in celebration of Panda avatars returning, and Pet Pandas returning(?) to Jamaa. ^.^ I'm going to try to get as many of these items as I can, since Pandas are indeed, my favorite animal. Let's take a look at these items, shall we?

On Monday, before the Wild Weekend sale, AJHQ accidentally released these six items shown above, each for five gems, and all were non-member. A new blogger, Rachelcatpaws, said that while she was in Coral Canyons, she saw someone getting excited, and saying how someone traded them a Tan Headdress for their panda set. Sorta crazy that someone traded that, and now today they got released again into Jam-Mart-Furniture.

In the Diamond Shop, there are three panda den items. I think out of these three items, the bean bag or couch is my favorite.
Once I get all these items, I must make a panda den, hehe!

There's also a panda clothing item in the Diamond Shop! This item is called Panda Paws, and is for sale for two diamonds.

Now onto the second page!

Pandas are back! Which also means..
The Cookie Clan returns 😯..
I seriously think in honor of this, we must have a Cookie Clan party.. Hehe..

Ze cookies are coming.

Now for page 3!

Along with Panda avatars, Pet Pandas have returned! Or- were they ever gone? I guess I didn't really realize it or not, because I've had one for a while, so I believe I can get one at anytime? Not too sure.
Either way, I'm glad Animal Jam has these adorable little Panda Pets. They're too kawaii <3.

Onto the next page!

A new animal is coming to Jamaa, and we have a little photo of what the animal is going to be. My friend Housemom418, pointed out that it might be a Flamingo, because of the purple legs in the photo.

Some may think the animal is going to be a Gecko, but I'm not too sure that's what it's going to be, due to the Flamingo looking legs that are slightly blurred.
Not too too long ago, this picture was supposedly "leaked" out.

Photo possibly belongs to a Jammer called Viofy. I found this image through Nafaria9's blog.
Now, this merely could just be an edit or something. Though, it would probably be quite difficult to do such a complex edit like this.
What's your theories on this? Be sure to comment them down below!

Now for page 5,

Now when you redeem an Animal Jam Retail Gift Card, you'll receive a Falcon avatar, and den items! Normally with these Retail Gift Card advertisements, AJHQ shows what the items are, but this time AJHQ didn't show what items come in this bundle. Seems that AJHQ left us with a little mystery! Be sure to comment down below if you've seen these items flying around Jamaa 😉.
While I was typing this out, I looked up at the Jamaa Journal page, and realized that there's a strange "word" in the title.. It seems that instead of putting "bonus", AJHQ put "bous", which isn't even a real word. I took this screenshot in the afternoon, and I just looked now, that AJHQ fixed this little typo. Kinda funny. 😜

Onto the next page!

On the left side of the page, it talks about how there's a Sketch Jam video! In this one, you can learn how to draw a Pet Crocodile. You can watch this video in the Jamaa Journal, or by visiting the Art Studio, in the painting section.
On the right side of the page, it says that Arctic Fox avatars will soon be traveling. Arctic Fox avatars aren't my favorite avatars in Animal Jam, so I'm not too upset about that. But, I am very happy that Panda avatars have returned! That's one plus about traveling animals, another animal will return when one leaves.

Now for the last page!

An advertisement for the new Animal Jam Summer Box! I'm curious what will come in this blog, with it seeming to be slightly ocean themed. It'd be neat if it had seashells and such in it ^.^.
On the Animal Jam Box website, it has this little advertisement on it,

I have noticed yet another typo! In the second paragraph, it says, "Sign up to get one-of-a-kid Animal Jam goodies delivered straight to your door.". I think it's supposed to be "one-of-a-kind" instead of "one-of-a-kid".. Hehe!


That wraps up this weeks update! What did you think of it? Are you happy pandas have returned? Be sure to comment down below!


Heres todays Bible verse!

Romans 12:9-10

Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

Remember, God made YOU!

1 comment:

  1. "One-of-a-kid"
    The strange thing is that it almost kinda makes sense. I mean, they're going to KIDS and it said KID and-
    Random Jammer: Swirl, it's not funny if you explain it.
    Me: okay, fiiiine...



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