
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Another Animal Jam Tag!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here, posting from my moms phone, hehe! We’re with my parents old friends from their old church, and I don’t have anything else to do, so I thought I might as well post, cause why not? XDD

Since I’m on my moms phone, I’m not sure how many pictures I’ll be able to get on here. Let’s uh, try a random one just to test this.

Aha! I can upload photos from AJFC!

Uhh okay anyways, let’s get going with today’s post!

Today since I wanted a quick post, I decided to do a quick Animal Jam tag!

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1. What’s your favorite clothing item?
2. What’s your favorite den item?
3. What’s your favorite AJ animal?
4. Diamonds or gems?
5. What’s your favorite den?
6. Minigames or adventures?
7. What animal would you like to see in AJ?

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My answers:

1. What’s your favorite clothing item? 

My pigtails of course, hehe!

2. What’s your favorite den item?

Oh dear, that’s a hard one.. Do masterpieces count? XD

3. What’s your favorite AJ animal?

I know this will sound weird, but I really like the arctic wolves actually. I also like the otters! They’re so adorable, hehe!

4. Diamonds or gems?

Gems, I never know what to spend with my diamonds. XD

5. What’s your favorite den?

I like the Crystal Palace den!

6. Minigames or adventures?

Minigames, though I do really like The Forgotten Desert.

7. What animal would you like to see in AJ?

I have no idea honestly. 😜

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I tag:

Flora Cutegirl

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Have fun! ^.^

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Here’s today’s Bible verse!

1 Peter 3:17

17 Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Successfully made a post on my moms phone. 👍 XD

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, I'll make sure to post this! ^.^ Thanks for tagging me, Gracie! ;)


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