
Saturday, October 14, 2017

New Call Of The Alphas Items In The Journey Book!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here, filling in for Ja983, since her brother and sister-in-law are in town visiting them. Hope you have fun with them! ^.^

Yesterday (I think it was yesterday), I was on Animal Jam with my friend Housemom418, and she told me to look in my Journey Book. To my surprise, I found this,

Took this photo on my backup, since I didn't take a picture before I found the items 😜

There's new items to find, and another prize that you earn when you find them! It seems that AJHQ will add more items later, since they also added a little "coming soon" part on the right side.

Today I decided that I'd try to find these new items, and be the first one to get the new prize. (Okay I'm probably not the first one, but in my mind I am, hehehe)

It was fun looking for these new items in the Call of the Alphas party. One of the items they added is called "Sir Gilbert's Medal", and I'm wondering what the description means..

It pretty obviously looks like a cross (or it could be a clover), and on the description it says, "The tiger Alpha proudly wears this medal to always remind him what he fights for."
What he fights for. Cross medal. 
I really wonder if they meant it in this way, or in a completely different way. Of course, Animal Jam isn't a Christian site, so I'm not sure if they'd include this into their "lore", making one of the alpha's a Christian, so I really have no idea. It would be neat if they really intended this medal to be a cross though.

After I found all the items, I was rewarded with this item,

An Alpha Fountain! ^.^

I'm not a huge fan of the alpha boxes on this item though. I think it'd be kinda cool if it looked like the alpha's were painted onto the sides of the fountain, but I'm not sure if AJHQ would be able to fit the seven alphas all on one small item.

Here's how the item looks inside a den,

What do you think of this item? Did you get it yet? Be sure to comment down below! ^.^


Here's todays Bible verse!

Hebrews 11:6

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. Oooo, cool! :O I probably wouldn't have found that page soon. XDDD I hardly on my Journey Book. >.<

    *slowly raises hand* Um, Gracie? That theory is really neat but I THINK it's not really a cross. Soldiers get medals shaped like that from going in wars and stuff. So, it's like this, Sir Gilbert fought in a really big war, helped a lot, and they won the war. Someone is giving out medals to good soldiers and gives him this. It reminds him that he fights for Jamaa. *shrugs* That's my take on it. But yours would be really neat if it was true! :D

  2. OHHH, so THAT'S how you get the Alpha Fountain!

    And hey, you know, I noticed the same thing- Sir Gilbert's medal DOES look like a cross!
    (Reads Lost's comment)
    Well, I still think it's a cool coincidence! :D

  3. For the spike giveaway thing:
    Why I read AJFC:Reason 1:You are a Christian and post about Christian things.There aren't many blogs that do that.
    Reason 2: you incorporate what I said above with creativity and fun.
    Reason 3:Its fun and entertaining!

  4. It probably symbolizes a clover/shamrock the 'symbol' for luck, some would consider that a 'lucky charm' so that might be what it is, that would be cool if it was a cross though!


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