
Friday, November 3, 2017

Guess Who's Back!

Hey Jammers, Arctic here!

After a stressful week or so since my computer broke down, I finally have some good news! My computer just got fixed yesterday and we were able to pick it up today! On top of that, a major concern of mine was that all my files would be lost - but that is not the case! I didn't lose any files, my computer is fixed, and everything was still under warranty so we didn't have to worry about any payments! All is well!

As for posts, I'm back and better than ever - sorry about how hectic it's been lately! With my computer fixed, though, I can finally get back to posting as usual. Thanks for your patience everyone!

Today, I thought I'd discuss the latest update (seeing as no one has done it late). Though this is a day late, I still feel like talking about all the cool new things in Jamaa!

Firstly, I feel like a ton of people are excited about the arrival of the new Red Pandas - and so am I! So, I went ahead and bought one. I must say, they're quite cute!

I ended up making this my look for the Red Panda, but not before trying out something first.

I've always thought that Red Pandas and Raccoons look quite similar! And so... I tried making my main look on the Red Panda:

Very cute! Though I can't say I'll be switching to the Red Panda as my main animal anytime soon haha!

Overall, the Red Pandas have very fun actions which fit the animal very well. I do resent that it's in the Diamond Shop, but c'est la vie!

The next cool thing in the update is the fact that Club Geoz is now gone!

Instead, it has been replaced by this interesting new building called the Alpha Headquarters.

It's quite a beautiful place, though I must admit I miss Club Geoz. Alas, I never got to witness the disco ball drop down!

Also, did Graham slick his hair down just for this photo?

It must have taken copious amounts of hair gel to achieve that look. What ever happened to his trademark messy mop? Ah, the times they are a changin' ~

The upper level of this new building is pretty cool! I really like what they did with the water:

Though all these super intense winged animals staring at me is a bit overwhelming!

The other upper room is also quite interesting! I wonder what new gems those two extra cavities in the wall will hold... My guess is one of them might be red, as we seem to be missing that colour from the spectrum, and another might be black or white!

In other news, Jamaa is all decked out for Fall! This autumn feast of thanks thing always messes me up - Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, so all the hype around November keeps confusing me XD

What are YOUR thoughts on the new update? Do you miss Club Geoz? What's your favourite part of the new update? Are Red Pandas better than raccoons? (hint hint, they're not... just kidding haha!)

That's all for today my friends. See you around!

Beep beep I gotta go sleep!


  1. Okay I actually love your red panda outfits! I cannot wait until I am member again to get one! But that won't be for another few weeks or till around christmas so.

  2. Awesome post Arctic! :D Really glad your cpu is fixed!
    He uses special hair gel :)

    1. I'm glad to be back!!

      Thank you so much!! Red Pandas are very cute!

      Mm yes - Magical Mira Hair Gel XDD

      - Arctic


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