
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas Eve, And Christmas Party!

Hello Jammers, and Merry Christmas Eve! Graciepopstar91 here! (Why when I said that I suddenly thought of the role call on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse O.O Oh gosh now every time I do that I'm gonna think of "Donald here!" Mmm I'm getting off track)

Currently I'm writing this on Saturday morning, so I guess it's Christmas "Eve Eve" hehe! 

Tomorrow (well today, since this is posting on Christmas Eve), a lot of my family is coming over! We haven't done something like this since 2015, when my nana, grandpa, siblings, aunt, and uncle came over. This year, everyone that was there in 2015 (except my oldest brother) is coming over, and my grandpa on my moms side of the family is also coming over this year!

Honestly, I'm a bit nervous about it all, but I'm sure we'll all have a good time. But uh- my brother kinda brings up interesting subjects
So we shall see
Anyways o.o

Through all the busyness of the holidays, it gets hard to remember the real reason for the season. Getting and giving gifts, and spending time with family is great, but sometimes it gets hard to remember.

Honestly, I find myself so wrapped up in the gifts and stress of it all. But, God needs to be at the center of it all. We wouldn’t even have Christmas if it weren’t for Jesus being born in the manger. That was the best gift we ever could of got. God coming down in human flesh, and saving the world from our sins.

What Christmas has become is crazy. We go from the peaceful night of Jesus being born, to being stressed out with all the gifts we need to buy, all the food we need to make, family coming in.. The list is endless. But through it all, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, and take time to reflect on the real reason for Christmas.


Since I haven’t posted in a while, I realized I never scheduled our annual Christmas party! It’s never too late to celebrate Christmas, so uh- I’m having a party on New Years Eve. XDD

Here’s the party info!


Party info:

Location: Graciepopstar91's den on Animal Jam.

Date: December 31st 2017 (which is a Sunday)

Time: 2:00 PM PST (Pacific standard time) such as California CA, Nevada NV, Washington State WA, and Oregon OR.
3:00 PM MST (Mountain standard time) such as Salt lake city UT, St. George UT, Denver CO, Albuquerque NM, and Arizona AZ
10:00 PM in London.
11:00 PM in Paris, France.
12:00 PM HST (Hawaii Standard Time) such as Honolulu, and Hilo.
5:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) such as North Carolina NC, New York NY, South Carolina SC, Ohio OH, and Florida FL.
4:00 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) such as Minneapolis, Wisconsin, Texas, and some parts of Canada.

What we will do at the party: Play mini-games, play find the plushie, and hangout

Reason for celebration: We're celebrating Christmas!

People who can come to the party: Everyone! Young or old, non-member on Animal Jam or member, Christian or non-Christian, etc! Don't forget to invite all your buddies!


Comment down below if you can or cannot come!


Here’s todays Bible verse!

Luke 2:9-11

Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Thank you so much, Kara, for the signature!


  1. Thank you, and Merry Christmas Eve to you too. Ew Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Don't worry, I call it Christmas Eve Eve too. Every year my grandparents on my dad's side come over. "Interesting subjects" I can most probably come to the party.

    1. XD! My dad always says Christmas Eve Eve XD

      Ohh that’s cool!

      Yeah o.o Very. Interesting. Yesterday he grabbed my guitar and started tuning it without asking me o3o


      Remember, God made YOU!


    Remember, God made YOU!

  3. Not for sure that I can make it... hopefully I can!! :D

    1. Hopefully you can! I love being crazy with you at parties XDD

      Remember, God made YOU!

    2. lol Ikr?! Its so fun XDD What did you get for Christmas? :D

    3. Eeeee almost everything I wanted :D

      I got,

      2 We Are Messengers shirt
      We Are Messengers beanie
      Passion shirt
      2 Cookbooks
      A devotional called Simple Pursuit
      A book by Louie Giglio called I Am Not But I Know I Am
      Louie Giglio sermon called Breathe On A Page

      I’m tryna think
      I think that’s it

      My brother and sister in law have me a puzzle with a Bible verse on it, Prismacolor pencils, Prismacolor sharpener, and an adult coloring book called Indescribable, and on every other page there’s a lyric from the song! :D

      What did you get?

      Remember, God made YOU!

  4. Hmm, New Years Day, 4:00...
    I think I may be able to make it! Expect to see me there! ;)

    -Swirlshine on her phone



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