
Thursday, March 15, 2018

AJFC's Third Annual Story Contest - Christian Themed!

Hey guys!

Every year (err last year it was 6 months after the time I did the first one), I have a story contest, for the authors and viewers to participate in! In 2016, the theme was Animal Jam, in 2017 the theme was spring, and this year the theme is going to be Christian, since all during March we're having the #FocusingOnGod month!

To be honest, I completely forgot about my annual story contest until Sarah reminded me. XDD I know a lot of people love doing this, so I decided I would do it again this year, and hopefully next year too!


  1. Your story must be 3-5 chapters long. Each chapter must be 750 (minimum) -950 words (maximum) words.
  2. To enter, you must put your story in the comments of AJFC (please put your username in the Name/Url to enter), or give me a private link to your story using GoogleDocs, or a private link through your blog.
  3. Please do NOT include ANY personal information in your story. Such as your phone number, or your parents phone number, your name, email, home address, etc. If you do, you will be disqualified from the contest. 
  4. Please do NOT copy ANYONE else's stories.
  5. You MUST have your stories in the comments by April 20th 2018. And for safety reasons, I will only have your story published in the comments for a few minutes, then save it in my writing program, so no one can cheat and use parts of your story in theres. 
  6. Please do NOT include ANYTHING: inappropriate, anything with rude humor, anything with language, drugs, anything with God's name in vain (such as Oh My ...), ghosts/spooky things in your story. If you do, you will disqualified. 
  7. Please, do NOT find stories online to enter in this contest. 
  8. The theme of your story must be a Christian themed story!

I don't mean to be harsh or rude, I just want to make sure all the stories are kid friendly, appropriate, and people are staying safe when they enter. ^.^


The winner will be chosen on April 22nd 2018.

Unfortunately, this year I will not be able to give an in-Animal Jam prize to the story contest winner, since having out-of-game contests, and giving in-game prizes is against the rules in Animal Jam now I think.

But, me and my mom came up with a great idea for a blog related prize!

If an author on my blog wins, they get five signatures made by me, and their story will be featured on AJFC! And if someone outside of the AJFC authors winsthey get to write a special one time guest post and their story will be featured on AJFC!

Pretty cool prize, huh?

If someone outside of the AJFC authors wins, and gets to write a guest post, they must abide by the rules of AJFC, and before they post it, I'll have to look it over, just to make sure everything is okay, and they followed the rules.


Good luck to everyone! I can't wait to read your Christian stories!

Here's a graphic you can put on your blog, or your Google+ to spread the word!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 19:1

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Stay tuned on Sunday for a post like the ones on my Flaming Arrow blog, titled "I'll Love You.. When/If/Then"!


  1. Hey I want to enter but if I win, can I post my well um post in the comments bc I would not be able to post an actual one. Then you can just copy it and add it as a post and say I was not able to post it myself.
    P.S. If you were to post something about courage though or if I got courage to ask my parents I might get my own blog or no longer post as anonymous at least.

  2. Does it have to be Animal Jam Christian themed? Or just Christian? Thanks!
    PS I love Writing so I am DEFINITELY going to enter! Great idea!

    1. Either way works! It can be an Animal Jam Christian story, or just a regular Christian story. :)

      Aw, thank you! ^.^

      Remember, God made YOU!


Hey there! Thank you for choosing to comment on AJFC! Before you comment, please read and follow these rules.
1. No inappropriate comments.
2. No foul language.
3. No spam/constant advertising.
4. Please do not spark any drama. Animal Jam is mean't to be a fun place.
5. No personal information.
6. If you choose to comment under anonymous, please state who you are (your username, what your online friends call you, etc.)
7. Enjoy your stay!

Thank you!