
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

"I Was About to Type Out My Entire Post in the Title Bar", or "In Which I Am Extremely Sleepy", or "Jammer Chibi -- Sarahkey8!"

Hello Jammers!

Karalee here!

I am extremely sleepy.

And I now despise Ice Armor (as much as one is able to despise a digital set of clothing).

I want nothing to do with that atrocious helmet. NOTHING, do you hear??


Mini-rant done.

The Jammer Chibi of the week features Sarahkey8, and (all in all) yielded some pleasing results! (If I am allowed to say so myself. 😋) 

Here's the request, the reference, and some progress shots!

And... without further ado....

Ta-da! 😄 I hope you like it, Sarah!

If there's one thing I would keep the same in this drawing no matter what, it's the body Ice Armor. I feel like it turned out really well, in the end, and communicates a bit of a 3-D aspect even through my cartoony style. (Though the hair is nice too. That would be the second thing I'd keep the same.)

If there's one thing I would change about this drawing, it'd be those silly head-spike things meant to replace that nightmare of a helmet. It was a pretty nice idea in theory, but ended up lookin' like the Statue of Liberty.

Welp, that's all I've got for this week!

 Tell me if you'd like to request a Jammer Chibi of yourself or of a buddy! Just copy-and-paste to fill out this form in the comments!

Name of the animal you'd like to be drawn in the outfit of:
Your skintone*:
Your hair color*:
Your hairstyle*:
Your eye color*:

Anything marked with a * can be left blank (as that might be information you're not comfortable with sharing) but let it be known that I will probably make up imaginary skin and hair based on your AJ avatar in lieu of other information, so please be prepared for the possibility of hot-pink skin and green fuzz on top of your head if you DO opt to leave those parts blank.

Micah 7:18-1918 Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. 19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. 

 Bye guys! *waves* See you next time! 😁




  1. AHHHH THAT IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! Sarah will love it. ^.^

    1. AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really appreciate it. C:


  2. OM ITS SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE IT SO MUCH KARA :O You are seriously super SUPER talented O.o


    Sorry you had trouble with the helmet DX


      I'm so SO glad you like how it turned out!

      That helmet is a strange mix of geometric shapes that go on an animal face well, but don't seem to want to convert to human faces. That's all. :P


  3. Username:Partyon25
    Name of the animal you'd like to be drawn in the outfit of:Blossom cute animal
    Your skintone*: a little lighter then peach.
    Your hair color*: A bit darker then golden
    Your hairstyle*:Long
    Your eye color*: blue

    BTW my birthday is the 11th! :D Great job on sarahkey's picture! Your really talented!

    1. Oooooh, happy early birthday! I hope it'll be the best birthday you've had yet! :D

      Thank you so much for the lovely compliment!

      One note: Please be sure that the outfit you're wearing when I look up your avatar to draw it is exactly what you want to be drawn in! There's been a bit of mix-ups like that happening lately, which has resulted in some Jammers being drawn in the wrong clothes.

      An easy way to make sure you'll be in the right outfit is to change into it just before you log off. ;)

      Hope this helps! You're scheduled to be featured next week!


    2. Oh thank you! It has been my best birthday :D

  4. WOW! That's awesome, you're really talented! Huh. Although DOES it reminds me of the STATUE OF LIBERTY! :O
    Username: cookies4ever8
    Name of the animal you'd like to be drawn in the outfit of: flora daisy rose (my sheep bunny, hehe have a fun time drawing THAT XD)
    Your skintone*: A tan-ish color? Hmm XD
    Your hair color*: Black
    Your hairstyle*: Down and a clip
    Your eye color*: Brown

    1. That's exactly what my sister said. -_- She literally thought it was the Statue of Liberty because I hadn't mentioned it was supposed to be Ice Armor. If I ever have to draw it again, I'll have to work on a better representation.

      Two questions: When you describe your hairstyle as "down and a clip", do you mean a bar-clip bringing the front of your hair around to the back, or a barrette clip pinning your bangs to the side? The second question is, how long is your hair?

      Last thing -- please read the above comment's response from me, regarding the importance of making sure you have the correct outfit on in the few days before your post is due!

      Thank you for submitting a request, and for reading this huge comment! XD You're scheduled to be featured on the Tuesday after next!


    2. 1st question: It's about shoulder length, and yes, it's a barrette that's holding my bangs to the side :3

      Sorry that I wasn't clear D:

      And yup! I always keep that look on. It's a bunny with a sheep cloak and frying pan!

  5. Username: Zazzip
    Name of the animal you'd like to be drawn in the outfit of: Snickety Poshtoes (my main look, a winter piggo :3)
    Your skintone*: white, but slightly tanned (if that makes sense)
    Your hair color*: Tomorrow I'm getting it dyed purple! (it fades out to a lilac-y colour)
    Your hairstyle*: It's always down and kind of wavy/all over the place. I'm also getting it cut to just above shoulder length tomorrow :o (i'm super excited)
    Your eye color*: Deep brown

  6. Username: christianbunniesrule
    Name of the animal you'd like to be drawn in the outfit of: Organized Redlily (I'm not organized, I wish I was XP)
    Your skintone*: Light Tan-ish
    Your hair color*: I have no idea, but I think it's a light dirty blonde :3
    Your hairstyle*: It starts straight at the top, in the middle it's wavy, and at the bottom it's SUPER curly
    Your eye color*: Green-blue :)
    (I'm guessing this will be a challenge for you XP

  7. Almost forgot to add, it goes to around an inch below my shoulders X)


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