
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blogger Of The Year 2019 Updated List, And Upcoming Vacation!

Helloooooo hellooooo, guys! I just got back from an outdoor mall me, my parents, my sister, and my niece went to. I'm so tireddddd. It was pretty hot outside.

But I got to go to Bath & Body Works! They were having their semi-annual sale, and I've been wanting to go. I just got hand sanitizers that weren't on sale though. XD Some of them have super weird names... Like one of the ones I got was called, "Hello, I'm a Mermaid". I have no idea how they come up with these things. I don't even know what the scent was called... It was one of those beach ones, but what does beach smell like? Fish and sand? I dunno, but it smelled good. XDD It wasn't fruity exactly-
There's just no way to describe "Hello, I'm a Mermaid", because I have no idea how mermaids are supposed to smell.

We got ice cream while we were at this outdoor mall, and after I ate my ice cream I was going to have gum, and when I chewed the gum on the left side of my mouth, I all the sudden felt like something crunchy was in the gum. I got my teeth sealed a while back, and the last time I went to the dentist I had to get one of my teeth on the left side of my mouth re-sealed, and I'm almost positive the sealant came out again. The other night I kinda felt like some of it came out, and I know for sure it came out today. It was kind of hurting after it came out, so I was hoping I wouldn't have to go to the dentist before our trip. Thankfully my tooth stopped hurting, and I'll probably just have to get it re-sealed next time I go to the dentist in October.

Alright, anyways, I'm getting way off subject.


So, yesterday I did the Blogger of the Year 2019 nominees post! I kinda put some people that quit blogging, and don't do AJ blogging oopsy so here's the updated list!

Some people mentioned that they aren't 100% sure if Rachelcatpaws still does Animal Jam blogging, so I'm going to double check on that this week and see. I know she used to, but I think she might of changed her blog to a book blog. I'll double check with her though.

Please let me know if there's anybody else that does not meet the rules/regulations!


If you read Animal Jam Community, the other blog I write for, you might of seen my blog post entitled, "My Last Post...".

No, I'm not quitting blogging. XD It was my last post on there until July 3rd, because we're going on vacation!

I'm going to be gone June 19th-June 26th, which are both Tuesday's. Coolcat will be covering my posts on Animal Jam community those Tuesdays, and Housemom418 will be covering my post on here June 21st, and her sister, Housemom322, will be covering my post on June 24th! I just want to thank all of you guys for being willing to do this, so I don't have to worry about posting while I'm on vacation! ^.^

I'll still be moderating comments, but probably more in the early morning, and late evening. So if you comment in the afternoon, your comment probably won't appear until that evening, or the next morning.

We're actually going to be going to a concert, and one of the bands that's going to be there is We Are Messengers! Me and my mom got meet and greet passes to see them in person, and I'm suuuuuper excited for that! My dad saw something about the concert a couple of months ago, but we thought we probably wouldn't be able to go to it. Then maybe about two or three months ago, I saw the concert on We Are Messengers tour dates, and for some reason automatically decided we're going. XDD Sure enough, we are, and it's going to be my early birthday gift!

We're also going to be visiting family while we're out there! They're not too far from where the concerts going to be. That's why we're leaving for a week. We're going to be staying with family a majority of the time. Sadly, one of my family members out there has to have surgery, so we're going to be helping him out while we're there.

On June 28th I'll most likely be making a post about our trip! I'm not aloud to say where we're going at the moment, but I'll be sure to tell you guys as soon as we get back! I shall put many pictures in the post, as I did when we got back from Disneyland in November. XDD


Here's todays Bible verse!

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.

No matter what may come against us in this life, we need to stay strong. The situation we're in might look difficult, but if we're believers in God, He'll always be with us, and that should help us love genuinely.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. Also, just saying, Naffy should probably be on the list? She's not really famouse?

    1. Well, I haven’t had her on the list the past two years, since most of us bloggers have about 50,000-200,000 views on our blogs, but she has over 1 million, as does Scooter. So I guess it’s kinda like people who have over 1 million views aren’t on the list. Just so everything stays fair. :)

      Remember, God made YOU!

  2. Cookycupcake has quit blogging too.

    1. Ooh okay, thank you! I didn’t know she quit.

      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. XDD I knew (almost) all the info about the trip but I read it anways. xDD


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