
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Quitting AJFC?!

Hey Jammers! Hope you're having a whimsical.. Wednesday?..

The title is true, I am quitting Easter.

Easter?? *looks at script*
*mutters* Super got into the script again....
Silliness aside, yes, I am quitting the Animal Jam Friendship Community, why:

1. Business  

As all of you know, me and Ja recently got a little husky pup named Trump! So of course we are going to be busier with all that.

2. Rapidly Increasing Disinterest for Animal Jam/No Post Ideas: 

You all saw the signs when I did the Animal Jam tv.. yeahhh XD I really haven't been able to think of many post ideas.

Animal Jam: I am NOT quitting Animal Jam, I still really love collecting art and making art, making dens (though I do that less often..) hoping that long last buddies will someday finally come on again. One of the main, if only reasons I'm not quitting is art, and buddies.

Animal Jam Community: I don't really know if I'll resort to every other week posting/when there is an update posting? I actually enjoy doing update posts, as I said, I don't have any post ideas, and I know everybody does update posts, but its more of an 'archive' to me I guess, to keep track of everything, so that at least somewhere in the blogging community lies every single update known to Animal Jam

Animal Jam Artist Collaborative: Not quitting, as I said I still draw on Animal Jam, even if I didn't I'd keep at the AJAC, because uh, I still love drawing.

 I'll still comment around here of course!  Again, I have no idea whether or not I'd quit the Animal Jam  Community, kinda depends I guess.

Thank you so much all of you for supporting me all the way on this blog!

Seeya 'round!

Here's todays Bible verse!

1 Chronicles 16:11

Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.

Please note, I'm only quitting AJFC, (possibly AJC) not all blogging and AJ!


  1. I'll miss your posts Sarah! ;c But I understand that your busy and everything, That's why I only post every now and then. I hope everything goes well with Trump. :3 See you sometime In Jamaa!

  2. Awwww:( I’m glad your still blogging though!

    1. I don't think I'll ever ever quit blogging, or quit AJ for real!

  3. I'll miss reading your blog posts and your crazy intros!! See ya round Jamma sometime!

    1. I'll miss posting on here, but I'll still post on the AJAC too :)


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