
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Requested Chibi — Frodo Baggins!

Heyoooooo, Jammers!

Karalee here!

It occurred to me as I wrote this title that this is not exactly Animal Jam-related. I probably need to stick to Jammer Chibis from now on.... Oh dear.

*listens to fireworks going off* Listen, Noisy-People-Outside, I know it’s technically the Fourth, but it’s TWO THIRTY IN THE MORNING. You couldn’t wait? It’s just ‘til tonight...!

(Honestly, the noise level is better than I thought it would be, so I’m not gonna rat ere anymore.)

**rant here

Rat ere??

*rolls eyes* 😛

Let’s get to Frodo, shall we?

Here we have the references/base...

...and here’s an initial sketch, done because I thought the clothes would be too complicated to accomplish in only one try.

Lineart... I feel like the line weight and stroke could have shaped up better, but the drawing really comes together when we add —

— color!

I hope you like it, Ja! (Hah! Remembered who requested it this time! *ridiculously pleased smile*)

If there’s one thing I would change about this drawing, it’d be... his hands and feet. I think they look a little funny. If there’s one thing I’d keep the same about this drawing no matter what, it’d be the shading/highlights! I really feel like they make the drawing pop.

Well, that’s all for this week! See you next week, for what might be another LOTR chibi, if I’m allowed, or possibly it will need to be something more on-topic for this blog. *sheepish smile*

Until next time! *waves*


2 Corinthians 3:17
”Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”



  1. Happy 4th of July!

  2. That’s so awesome, Kara!!!!

    Is there any way I could request a chibi art but not of an AJ person?? Thanks!

  3. FRODO! He looks so cute as a chibi :D


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