
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Let's Get To 200,000 Views!

Helloooooo everyone! I'm writing this from my niece's bedroom, she's making me read a book while I'm trying to post, and listening to joy. by for KING & COUNTRY... And oh my goodness, if I don't reply to my niece fast enough, she'll be like, "Helloooo? Are you in there? HELLOOOOOO?????" So uh, this is a bit tricky...
Okay my mom just freed me from watching my niece, so now I can concentrate. XDD

Anyways, let's get going with today's post!


I've been keeping an eye on the blog stats, and realized that we're only 9,000 views away from 200,000 views on AJFC! Which is pretty crazy, since I believe it was June 2017 that we reached 100,000 views.

We average about 3,000-4,000 views a month, so I think it's possible that we could get to 200,000 views before the end of the year! And if we do, I decided that I'd host a giveaway with some of the items I still have on my giveaway account! The items I'd giveaway are the following,

I will only be giving these items away if we get to 200,000 views before December 31st, 2018! So, tell your friends about AJFC, and explore some of the pages, or old blog posts! I know we can do this!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Deuteronomy 31:6

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

This was yesterdays daily Air1 verse, and I really needed it. I've just been feeling super overwhelmed about the thought of my sister living with us again, and we don't know when she'll be moving out. But we also don't even know when she'll be getting out of the hospital. This has really tested my faith and trust. But I know God will get me through it, even when it seems like there's no end to this storm. I just need to be strong and courageous.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. wow... thats a lot of pageviews in one year.... and per month... much more than my blog this year anyways... XD

    Congrats on almost 200 000 pageviews though:)

  2. Wow! Just wow! It's so amazing. I came on her for a reason tho. I was trying to trade in aj and I was about to start saying, " please trade me! Tganks! God bless!" Then it said that I couldn't say that. I went to my den and typed God. Ok. That worked. Then I tried God bless... and it blocked it. I literally spaced out for a second, started gasping a little, closed out aj, then ran to my room feeling like I was gonna cry. It's a small thing but we used to be able to say it. I wonder why aj doesn't let us now... anyways you guys are probably wondering if I got a blog. I'm gonna reveal it at Gracie's party then I will reveal it here! See ya soon!

  3. *refreshes the page vigorously*

  4. Wow! I will defiantly tell my friends! Congrats on almost 200,000 views!


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