
Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Hello Jammers, Arctic here

Now, I know I have not been around for a while. Things have been pretty hectic, haven't they? With travelling, my computer breaking down, and all sorts of wild things happening in my life - I have not been keeping up with posting nearly as much as I should!

I also know that I had a summer posting plan all laid out. Things just didn't work out the way I intended them to be.

I have had this awful nagging feeling in the back of my head that at some point soon I would be making this post, and I have simply been pushing it away as I did not want it to happen. But it must.

I will be resigning from my position as an author on this blog. I just haven't been as interested as I used to be, and I feel terrible about it. Bloggers never fail to amaze me at how consistently dedicated and passionate they are about what they do. It is always a sad thing when people lose this passion as time goes by, but the memories they made along the way are ever-relevant and stay with them even as they continue on their journey through life. I feel the same way.

I also feel that it would be more fair for somebody with more of a burning passion for writing and communicating through blogging to hold this position that I am so lucky to have. I'll never forget the utter joy I felt when Gracie asked me if I would like to post for her blog! I sincerely hope that with this decision I will be able to pass along that same feeling of elation to somebody else.

Before you fret, no, I will not be quitting Animal Jam entirely though that day may someday come. I am not quitting blogging entirely either. With my busy schedule, and University coming up ahead, I cannot commit to posting on three blogs, and unfortunately this will be one that I have to cut.

Words and writing hold a certain power that we may never be able to understand. It was my honour to be able to embark on this journey with you all. I hope you feel the same.


  1. Aw it’s sad to see You go:( I’m happy that you are still going to continue posting on the other blogs though! Good luck in university:)

  2. WOW. Good luck in university! Hey, that's great you had the courage to say this, good job. From the few posts I read from you I do hope to still see your posts on the other blogs!

  3. Good luck in University! I know you'll do great!

  4. Sad to see you leave Arctic DX I always loved your posts on here!

  5. I'm sad to see you leave AJFC, but I completely understand. I'm praying for you as you start University, and go into this new season of life!

    It was amazing having you as an author on my blog, and thank you so much for writing on it. :)

    I'm gonna miss your posts, but I'm so glad they'll always be archived on here! :D

    Remember, God made YOU!

  6. hey im sad to see you go but guys imma try to ask my parents tonight, saturday, or sunday if i can become a blogger. its more important now than ever because of the aj blogging community slowly becoming smaller and because aj is becoming less interesting. i want to bring back the blogger and aj hope into this world. so sad you are leaving but if you ever need another blogger for this blog you can find me in aj or at what i will call my blog if i get on which will be the animal jam snowball (after my cat XD). thanks for all you have done and good luck for the future!
    you are in my heart, in my mind, and in my prayers.


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