
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Time To Leave, and Introducing IFTs!

Hello everyone!


You know, I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a long time, but now that I’ve actually got to write the dang thing, I’ve got no idea what to say. Funny how that works out.

It’s time to leave the AJFC, but I guess I shouldn’t just scoot off without an explanation.

Now that I’m eighteen (yes, I know, age on internet bad, but highly relevant in this case), it has become increasingly clear that I must “become a productive member of the household”. Translation: “Get a job, ya sponge!” 😝 (Not that my wonderful parents would ever say that to me... but I ain’t gonna push it.)

So now I’m working.

Here’s the thing, though — a job takes time. More time than I had anticipated. And with the fact that I don’t know where most of the time in my day goes anyway (though I do today... *grumbles* stupid Pinterest, needta delete it), I’m afraid blogging is going to be one of those things that has to be cut from my schedule. I’ll still be on a few other sites, (Chicken Smoothie and Twitter being main ones) but it won’t be consistent/regular.

Speaking of Chicken Smoothie....

I know a lot of people post “adoptable” character designs for sale (for in-game currency or pets) on CS, and I wondered if I could ask a few questions of all’y’all Chicken-Smoothians on here. (I know there are a lot of you.)

How much would you pay for an adoptable, and what things about a character design make you think “Ooooh, I want THAT one!”?

Also, posting some concepts I made a few days ago, because I can’t leave you guys without art, can I??

These lil’ guys are a species I sorta made up as I was drawing them... they’re called Impossibly Fluffy Things — ”Ifts” for short!

If — and it’s a big if — if I made an adoptables shop on CS and stopped in every once in a while to check on orders, do you think anyone would really buy much...? I’m not sure how much traffic those forum posts even get, because I don’t hang out on that side of the site. (I’m more into forum games. XD) Could anyone who frequents those posts give me a clue? :P I’d really appreciate it.

Welp, it’s time to go!

Thank you all for a wonderful blogging experience, and especially for all those incredibly sweet comments on all of my drawings. 😁💗 (Seriously, you guys are so cool.) It’s been an amazing few years, and I hope to blog again someday!

Signing off and signing out,



Colossians 1:10-14 ESV
“So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”


  1. I'll miss you, Kara, but I respect your choices. Work is really important, and I wish you the best. <3

  2. It's sad to see you go Kara! :( I love all the beautiful art you showed us, You have such talent! :3 And the posts you did on other things wore such a joy to read, I'll miss you kara, And I hope that everything will work out great for you and your family. ;)

  3. I'd probably pay a 2009 early rare for one of those!
    Gl with your job Kara! I'll miss you DX

  4. so sad to see you go :( Let God direct your path, good luck!

  5. Aw, it’s sad to see you go. I will miss you lots! Good luck with your job!!

    I would totally buy those adoptables, they are just to cute:)


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