
Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Hey guys!

I’m afraid I can’t make a post tonight, due to the fact that I’ve recently taken on some work — you know, work-work, not AJ-work — and it’s taken a lot more out of my day than I anticipated. As put by my mom, “it has to take priority over online activities” (and, unfortunately, offline sleep).

I’m really sorry about this! I have to confess, I’m not sure if I’ll have the time to make weekly blog posts in the future. (I never thought “aging out” of Animal Jam stuff could be forced by schedules and time management.) I’ll be discussing it with Gracie, of course... I just thought I should mention it here so that if I do end up leaving, it’s not a whole sudden “oh hey guys guess what this is my last post ever, goodbye!!”

Because that would stink.

If I do leave, I’ll be sure to make one last drawing-post. 😉

I will see you guys next week! I’m sorry, and bye!

Psalm 128:2 
“You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.”



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