
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Fooooooooooooooooooooood In Animal Jam of Course :-)

Okay, let's just say as I am writing this I am sooooooo hungry! So that gave inspiration of today's post!

:Bakes cookies:

Hey y'all who wants cookies?


:random person, who never reads the blog except for this post: "Are they peanut butter with sliced shrimp?"

NOO! Gross. Who would even eat that?

:Leaves post:

"That was just...what shall I say...weird?"

Yes definitely.

:Bites cookie: "Mmmmm. That's quite interesting tasting."

Yeah! They are peanut butter oatmeal, since I couldn't decide which to make. :Smiles widely:

"Oh, Houze. You are always very interesting!"


 Today, I am going to be posting about food in Animal Jam. One, from each land. Now, this may get weird so, be prepared. Honestly, I couldn't think of anything else to post. When it comes to AJ posts, I have no inspiration. Christian post on the other hand, I could on and on and on about that. However, I want to give you guys good quality and a variety of posts. That is my goal. If you guys have ANY suggestions of posts, please me know, because they are ALWAYS welcomed! Now, on to the post!!!!!!


Here in Balloosh you find these barrels of pumpkins and maybe squash? I find it a little weird that they put this in the game right now. I feel that this looks like a cornucopia, which is like a Thanksgiving type thing. However, it's definitely better than candy and jack-o-lanterns. Which are also all over Animal Jam at the moment. 

Mt. Shiveer

Cuddle up with a warm blanket this winter, head over to Mt. Shiveer's Hot Cocoa Hut and get some delicious, warm, chocolate drink! Okay, yeah, it's really good stuff do I need to say any more? I think not...

Sarepia Forest 

 Okay, so the sweet part of the post. 😉 Candy, this was literally the ONLY food in Sarepia forest. I really didn't want to include candy, but it's okay. Candy is fine, it really is. Just don't take from strangers. 🍎I never understood the "take one" saying, you know people are going to take more if you specify how many to take. XDDDD

Coral Canyons 

Hey, hey, hey! Why is that one bee upside down? Anyways, Honey! Who here loves honey? I do! My sister and I used to make peanut butter and honey sandwiches all the time when we were little. Now, not so much. My sister is additcted to peanut butter and jelly though. XDD 


There's actually something healthy here. Gracie is going to appreciate this one. 😁 This is actually the fruit slinger game! Oh my gosh, I used to spend hours playing this game. Those were great times! That was years ago though...yes, I can say that XD. We are going on 6-years now!

Crystal Sands

A fresh drink is needed after all that food! My favorite is the banana smoothies! What is yours? Let me know in the comments below!

Kimbara Outback and the Lost Temple of Zios

It literally had NOTHING, other than a candy bucket, which we already went over. SORRRY! 


And that is all for this week! I have to go get my shower now before church! YIPPPEEE I love Wednesday! I really do! Okay, bye guys! I love y'all!! 

Today's Encouraging Quote: 
God's math: 

1 Cross + 3 nails = 4 Given! 

Today's Bible Verse:
Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. - Psalms 119:165 

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


  1. Ah very cool and creative! I don't think I have seen a post like this before, with food!

  2. Aw thanks! Yeah, I was really hungry. It was after 1 and hadn't eat since dinner the night before. LOL It's funny the things you'll do when you're hungry. I ended up eating Ramen Noodles for lunch. :-)

    Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ!

  3. Oh sis... you're always thinking about food!

  4. Hello Gracie! I am new to your blog! I like it.

  5. Welcome to our community! It's great to have you here!


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