
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Halloween - Why I Don't Celebrate It

Hey hey hey everyone! Yes! I'm actually posting on a Sunday! XD This post is gonna be kinda short though, since I'm waiting for dinner right now, and I'm super tired. I've been up for 12 hours and will be up for like 4 or 5 more hours *cries*.
Let's get started with the post!
(I feel like I say that before I start every single post)


Recently Housemom322 did a post sharing her feelings about halloween (click here to read her post), and I decided that I would do the same.

When I was really little, I knew halloween was just something gross that we just don't celebrate. But then when I got a little older, my mom showed my this website (link below), that breaks down a lot about halloween, and a lot of things in this blog post were found on it. You can look at the website using the link below.

There's a whole bunch of information on the website, but here's my condensed version of it.

Halloween comes from Druidic origin, which is basically the celtic religion, where they sacrifice humans, and just a bunch of other nasty things. And when they sacrifice humans, they sacrifice to either baal or the devil, which is absolutely against everything the Bible says. But whether you're a Christian or not, it's still wrong, and so gruesome. You might think, "Well, that was a long time ago. That doesn't apply to today." But really, it does. There are still people who do things like this. I've actually met someone who is apart of something similar to this.

The meaning behind a whole lot of the halloween traditions and so wicked, you wouldn't even believe it. Just the simple tradition of wearing costumes has a horrible meaning. The website says that it's supposed to be a contact to the spirit world to invite the spirit to possess them. That's crazy. Costumes are supposed to be basically a gateway to allow the devil come mess with us.

The most popular, trick or treating, comes from Druid (or Druidic) customs. Which again, is so gruesome.

No matter what culture says, no matter what you believe even, this is horribly wrong. So before you get your halloween decorations up, go trick or treating, or whatever your tradition is, please consider the origin of this holiday.

Isaiah 28:15-19 says,


You boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death,
    with the realm of the dead we have made an agreement.
When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by,
    it cannot touch us,
for we have made a lie our refuge
    and falsehood our hiding place.
16 So this is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone,
    a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation;
the one who relies on it
    will never be stricken with panic.
I will make justice the measuring line
    and righteousness the plumb line;
hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie,
    and water will overflow your hiding place.
Your covenant with death will be annulled;
    your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand.
When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by,
    you will be beaten down by it.
As often as it comes it will carry you away;
    morning after morning, by day and by night,
    it will sweep through.”
The understanding of this message
    will bring sheer terror.

You don't have to agree with me on what I said, and I also didn't tell you these things to be scared. I told you this to open your eyes to the truth and reality about halloween. These things are scary, but if we break the covenant with death and hell, we don't have to be afraid. If we have Jesus before us, and the world and death behind us, we have absolutely nothing to fear.

Instead of celebrating halloween, find a fun yearly alternative for it. Me and my mom always put up our decorative Christmas houses, which is our alternative. Or maybe you could watch a movie with your family, or go shopping, or whatever you enjoy doing that doesn't have a covenant with death.

Making wise choices will make a huge impact on your life. ❤️



  1. I totally agree with you, Gracie! I'm glad you decided to post about this.

  2. So true!!! I wish more people knew about this, but what your doing is a great way to tell people.
    -partyon25 :D

  3. “Costumes are supposed to be basically a gateway to allow the devil come mess with us.”

    I’m a bit confused with this part???????

    Does this mean all costume is bad? What about actors? Have you not seen Christian movies or movies in general? Cosplays, are those evil? Is dressing up as a kid evil?????

    Can you please explain to me why you said this and didn’t further continue on what you meant???????



    1. Well, I was getting most quotes off of the website from the link above, but I’m guessing they were particularly referring to halloween costumes. Knocking from door to door in costumes, demon/other evil things portrayed in costumes, things like that. :)

      I hope this helps clarify!! :D

      Remember, God made YOU!

    2. Oops, mean’t to post most of the quotes are from the website, that particular quote was from me XDD TYPOS


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