
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Just To Clarify, and Giveaway!

Hi guys! :D I know I don't normally post on Tuesday's here, but I just wanted to clarify that the Blogger of the Year 2019 poll was removed. I honestly had no idea until a few people brought it up to me that it was tracking the location of the people who voted. o.O I really wish it said that when I made the poll, because that isn't very safe... I also want to apologize to the people who voted. I'm deeply sorry this happened. DX Thankfully it was only up for a few days, and I removed it very shortly after I heard that it tracked locations.

Blogger of the Year is currently postponed, or it might not happen at all now. I honestly have no clue what poll I would use if I did it, and it was also brought up that this is kinda favoring one blogger over all the others, so I'm not sure if doing this would be the best idea. I don't want any hurt feelings, so right now let's just say Blogger of the Year isn't gonna happen. XD

Huge thank you to everyone who told me about this!! I would have been clueless unless you guys told me. :)

But in replace of this, I decided we'd do something else fun! How about a giveaway?! Here's the items I'm giving away,

I know I said I'd only give these items away if we got to 200,000 views, but why not give them away sooner rather than later? I really wanted to do something fun if we wouldn't be doing Blogger of the Year.

All you have to do to enter, is comment down below your username! Simple as that, and you'll be enter to win one of these items. There will be five winners, one winning one item. You have from now until November 4th (2018) to enter!


Here's todays Bible verse!

2 Corinthians 5:7

For we live by believing and not by seeing.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. user: partyon25
    You would have never done the poll if you had known, and I hold nothing against you :)

  2. Aw, I always enjoyed blogger of the year even if I didn't win! I thought it was a kinda fun award thing for a game. If you know what I mean. Though I do understand what you mean. It sucks it the polls was tracking everyones location...

    For the giveaway: Violet86271

  3. Hi I'm joining!!!!
    User: Purplesnowie
    Favorite color: purple
    Favorite weather: snow
    Cat's nickname: snowie
    The last three questions were extra credit XD. Also the meaning behind my username. Well good bye
    You are fearfully wonderfully made

  4. I'd like to join.
    User: Sarahkey8

    Also the only thing I want to win is the beret, I don't care about the other things XD

  5. User Housemom322


  6. User- Housemom418
    I'd like to enter the giveaway.

  7. User: Binx1184
    I'd like to enter the giveaway.


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