
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Penguin Code!

Hey hey hey! I feel like I haven't posted on here in forever... Sorry about that! I just haven't really felt like posting, or had any ideas for posts. For the past few months I haven't been on Blogger on Animal Jam a whole lot, and since now there's all sorts of halloween stuff there's nothing really to post about.. XD I really want to do one of those devotional style posts that isn't Animal Jam related soon though. And maybe a post just catching all of you guys up to date with my life. XDD

Anywho, before I put this post off any longer let's begiiiiin...


In the most recent Animal Jam update, this was stuck in the middle of the Jamaa Journal!

Housemom418 actually told me about this before it came out in the Jamaa Journal, so thank yoooou to her! This is a really cool little bonus that is actually available to all jammers! Here's what you get from this code,

A penguino,



Pet penguino,

And more items in Play Wild! I don't know what you get in Play Wild from this bundle, because I haven't played that game in quite a long time. If there's anyone reading this who plays Play Wild and knows what you get, could you let me know in the comments? :D I'll put what you get from Play Wild in the post, give credit to whoever tells me.


Real quick before I go I wanted to let you guys know that you can still enter the giveaway I'm having until November 6th! (Click here to read the post and enter). There's only about 7 people that entered, so you still have a pretty good chance at winning one of the items!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 12:18

Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Housemom322 told me that on Play Wild, you also get a penguin animal and pet penguin! Thank you for letting me know!!


  1. On Play Wild you also get a pet penguin and a penguin as an animal. I honestly love this code. It's probably the best code they have come out with!

    Remember, the best friend you have is, Jesus Christ!

  2. I totally agree with my sister, I love it so much too! The good thing is, is now nonmembers can have 3 animals! As long as they don't already have a underwater animal. (WARNING) If you have a underwater animal, recycle it if you want to use your penguin instead, or you won't be able to use your penguin.

  3. you get a free igloo as well. really sweet of clark and the team to do this


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