
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Thanksgiving Den Decorating

"I wonder what crazy stunt Houze is going to pull off this week!"

:A helicopter flies over head:

"Oh NOOO She didn't!"

I am glad you asked! :Jumps out:

"She's done it now!"


"There's no going back for her."

:Pulls cord:

"WOW! She remembered!"

:Lands in the trees: You guys! Why would you allow me to do this!

"It's called you didn't ask us!"

Just don't stand there! HELP ME!

"Nah, we're going to leave you there. In hope, you'll ask us next time."


I am going to be creating a den today, but not just ANY den! It's going to be a...



I am so excited about this! Now, I am not the best den decorator, but this is by far, my favorite den I've designed.

Here's the process.  😃
We're starting at 1:17 PM 

 Okay, for each 10 Minutes of decorating, I took a picture so here they are! 

Honestly, at this point I knew it was going to take forever! For those who decorate full member dens! Man, I respect you!

By the time I got to 20 minutes I was making a little more progress.

 30 minutes later...
 I seem to be hiding in this picture! Can anyone find me? 

After 39 minutes, we finished the inside of the house! 

 8 minutes later, we have the outside ALMOST done.

Finally after 56 minutes of very hard work we have the final corner. This is supposed to be a "concert" corner. 😊😊


Thank you all! I hope you have a great day! Go check out my den, let me you did by sending a "Jam on" JAG!

Today's Encouraging Quote: 
A setback is a setup for a comeback - T.D Jakes 

Today's Bible Verse: 
Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. - Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV) 

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


  1. Love your post, sis! Great job on your den, by the way.

  2. Super cool! Nice. Surprised you didn't mention halloween, lol.

  3. You know, I seriously thought about it, but I had my reasons why I didn't

    1) The absence of it, was supposed to be a settle hint I didn't acknowledge Halloween as a "special" day.

    2) It wouldn't be of any use to those who are reading in the future, because it's over. (This gave me an idea for an intro, for next holiday that lands on a Wednesday!)

    That's why I decided not to put anything about Halloween. I hope that makes sense.

    Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


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