
Friday, November 9, 2018

Fall update!

Hi guys! It's Housemom418 here, with another post! I'm doing this on a Thursday, so Animal Jam just updated. So, I'm going to be doing an update post! Let's get into it!

Aw, these are cute! I wish I could adopt one! But, did anyone notice that this coyote only has 3 legs? Just like that fox on the animal jam home page, that only has 3 legs. I give this page a 5/10, because the coyotes are cute, but I think Animal Jam is running out of ideas.
This is okay... this page is still sorta related to Halloween, and most of you that have met me, probably know that I do not celebrate Halloween, or as AJ says... ''Night of the phantoms.''
This page is gonna get a 3/10.
I love twists and turns! HEY! SO THAT FOX ACTUALLY DOES HAVE 4 LEGS! But, animal jam clearly just didn't add the other leg on the home screen. Weird. Anyway, I give this a 10/10!
I love new clothes in animal jam, except... most of them are probably not going to be nonmember. But, that's okay! Puzzling items? Tricky tricky! I give this page a 8/10.

I love thanking God, and my friends for everything that they done for me! 10/10!
And then we have an advertisement... Does anybody else hate getting jags from AJHQ?
I know I do. Anyway, that's it today! Bye! 💜
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


  1. I can’t wait to play twists and turns! Also where did you get that orange pillow with the face on it from?

    1. Ikr, Twists and turns is so fun! The orange pillow was for lucky day, I just got it in the color orange. If I remember correctly, it was from one of the secret hidden shops.

    2. oooh okay. I believe I have the green version of the pillow!


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