
Friday, November 16, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Hello Guys!

"Houze, you're two days late."

I know, I know. Let me explain!

"Here we go again. She was on some kind of adventure."

You call being sick an adventure?

"You were sick?"

:Facepalm: Yes I was sick.

"Must've been because we left you in that tree last week. It serves you right."

Guys! You're supposed to be on MY side! What happened?

"You happened."



So, yeah, it's Friday. My sister posted on Wednesday. I was sooooo sick! I had zero brain power! Like literally, at one point I just started crying for NOOO reason! My head felt like a big balloon, but let me tell you! I am thankful for sleep! I've slept and here I am better! Well, more like 85% better, but you know. I am on the road to recovery! Thank you all to who prayed! They were answered. 😀

Now, I know some of you are Canadian, but this is for my American friends. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I wanted to talk about what Thanksgiving is to be for the Christian.

I's a time to look back and be thankful for the blessing on you life over the past year. There's really so much to be thankful for.

  •  Your Salvation/relationship with Jesus Christ.
  •  Family
  • Pets
  • Health (Believe me you don't think about this one until you're laying in the bed wanting to go outside for some fresh air, but your body tells you can't get up).
  • Churches
  • Food
  • Friends
  • Freedom to worship the True God. (Some people don't have this opportunity).
  • House
  • and soooooooooooo many more things. Just be thankful!  
The Bible speaks of being thankful time and time and time again!  

Psalms 50:14 - Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:

We've made it something it's not. Stores open late Thanksgiving Day having the best deals of the season. What happened to Black FRIDAY? What happened to the day we spent with family instead of a line that is miles long. (Literally) What happened?

We've rushed things. A day that should be celebrated giving God thanks and spending time with friends and family, has been turned into a day of wanting more. It's to time be thankful!

Take some time and just thank God. Even, if it's just "Thank you for allowing me to live, Lord."

Today's Encouraging Quote: 

Count your blessings, instead of your troubles. Count you smiles instead of your tears. Count on God instead of others. - Unknown

Today's Bible Verse: 

For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. - Romans 12:4-5 

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


  1. So true, sis! I'm so glad you decided to post about this. A lot of people forget that THANKSgiving is to thank God for everything that he has done for us!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! So glad your feeling better!

    Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise.

    -Some verse in the Bible, sorry don't know the reference sorry XD

  3. Yeah, it's Psalms 100:4. Thanks for pointing that verse out!

    Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


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