
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Let's Get This Community To Thrive Again!

Lately, the blogger community seems like it's just going downhill. I've seen a lot of people posting less frequently, or just quitting all together, on multiple blogs. And really, it's sad. It's sad to see such a thriving community in 2017, and then it all going downhill from there. I do know lots of people are outgrowing Animal Jam, which is expected, since there's a lot of older players. It seems to be that way with the YouTube Jambassadors too. It kind of seems like I just blinked my eyes, and everyone is gone.

I myself have been on Animal Jam a lot less, and have been busying myself with other things. But, I always go back to this place. This place I've worked hard to thrive for 5 years. My blogs, and other blogs I write for, like this one. It's somewhere to let out all your thoughts about whatever you like to write about, and connect with your viewers. This place is something I don't think I'll outgrow, at least until I'm an adult.

What if that's what your blog was like? A place that you took pride in, knowing that so many people would be seeing it. What if this community began to thrive again?

I know that a lot of friendships were made in this place we call "Blogger", and lots of friendships were lost. But what if we looked aside out differences, and began to not post out of obligation, but with so much joy? What if we used our talents, not just to write about the Animal Jam world, but more than that. Write about things we love. Write about music. Write about your life. Write about Jesus. Write about something you love. I feel like the main reason people quit blogging, is because if they started out with an Animal Jam blog, they have to keep writing about Animal Jam. And that really is not the case. We don't want you to quit because of something or someone, we want you to stay, and write because it's something you're good at. It's something that some of us are uniquely wired with. No matter what has happened, no matter why you want to quit, I want us to be connected, not disconnected, just because we don't feel like writing about Animal Jam anymore. We all want to see you thrive. None of us want you to write out of obligation. We want you to do what you're good at, because some of you have been uniquely wired by God to do just this. To write. To write well.

Let's get this community to thrive again. Let's write about what we love. Let's not write out of obligation. Let's do this, hand in hand. (Or in the AJ world, paw in paw!) Let's do this!


Here's todays Bible verse!

1 Corinthians 10:31

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. I agree! I'll try my best to help you get this community thriving again!!!

  2. I agree with what you said about doing it will joy. I personally have noticed when I rushed to get a post done...Well it wasn't the best post. Very few people read it.

    I would love to see this community to thrive again! We need people who are passionate about what they write!

    Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


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