
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Year Of The Pig Party, And AJFC's New Year's Party!

Helloooo everyone! How's your weekend going?! 


February 5th is Chinese New Year, and this years animal is the pig! So Animal Jam is celebrating, by having a special party on Animal Jam, that's only for pigs! Let's take a look at that today!

Every year, Animal Jam does a party like this, except every year it's a different animal. It's a Chinese thing, where every year there's a different animal theme... Housemom418 told me that it's used to date the years... Don't ask me why that is, because I have no clue. XD

Here's where you walk in,

To the right is the shop,

Which has this adorable little piggy banner. XD

And here are the items from the shop! Pretty sure almost all of these items were previously sold in Jam Mart Furniture...

To the left of the shop is a little table with food!

Above the shop, is a waterfall! The waterfalls are actually slides you can access from above.

A cute little mountain trail leading up to the waterfalls, aaaand,

This! I love how some parties have a little place to watch the fireworks from.

There are more fireworks to the right.

Despite all the lag at this party, I think it's really cute! I love all the nature aspects Animal Jam adds to their parties, and the realistic backgrounds they create.


On a second note, yesterday I had AJFC's New Year's party! Here's some pictures from that.

Discussing another time zone... XDD

And a couple of minutes later, we started!

Not pictured, we played some mini-games.

Then we played a New Year's trivia game! Technically Housemom418 won... She was the only one who got a question right. And it was an easy question. I think the questions I found were a liiiittle too difficult. Hehe.

Then we played find the plushie! (A sweet friend gave me this cute McDonald's exclusive plushie! You can read a post I did on the McDonald's plushie's by clicking here)

If you missed this party, I will probably be having a Valentine's Day party soon! :)


Here's todays Bible verse!

Isaiah 57:15

I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

1 comment:

  1. I’ll have to visit that party sometime. Sorry I didn’t make it to your party:(


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