
Friday, February 1, 2019

How to get membership on Animal Jam by playing Animal Jam Play Wild!

Me: :screams: GUYS GUYS, LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!
You guys: Ummm, why do you think WE would listen to YOU?
Me: You guys are so mean. 😢
You guys: We aren't mean, you just think we are mean.
Me: Yep, exactly. That's why you are mean.
You guys: Can I just say... that your intros don't even make sense?
Me: I don't get what you are talking about... you aren't making sense.
You guys: No, you aren't making sense.
Me: No you aren't.
You guys: YOU AREN'T!
Me: Agh... I guess we can't agree...
You guys: Yep exactly.
Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog post! So, you guys probably saw the title and was like, "WAIT WHAT?" Or if I told you guys on Animal Jam already, you were basically the same way. So, this is how you do it!!!
Okay, so firstly, when you log on, just go to the diamond shop/sapphire shop. Then, there should be a shield that looks like this.
Click on that, and then you get this.

Then, it will show this. As you can see, I only have 141 so far. If you don't have 500+ then when you click on it this will come up...

So this is how it looks when you click it. As you can see, I have 359 more to go! Exciting, I know, you guys probably think I'm crazy but i'm trying to get like 50-100 each day so yeah! I should be done in like a week or two.

Anyway, this pops up when you click on Buy Sapphires.

In order to get enough sapphires, you can play games to get sapphires. The first prize is 5 sapphires, then 10, and then 15. Here are some more.

Okay, so is this phantom portal that leads you to phantoms, and you need paintseeds in order to defeat the phantoms.

(The 2nd paintseed tree is how it looks when it is fully grown with paintseeds)

(Sorry that this photo is blurry, it's due to putting it in paint I believe to edit it.) So, this is the portal you have to walk through in order to get through the phantom room.
This is the screen when it loads.

This is inside the phantom place.

So, that's it for today guys! So yes, I am getting membership for one month! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I hope some of you guys try it! Bye!!!
(By the way guys...
(Sorry, that was a horrible meme but anyway, yeah bye! XDDDD)
Luke 6:35 (KJV)
But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and [to] the evil.

(P.S This does not work if you are member.) (Thank you so much Gracie for telling me this! :DDD)


  1. Ooh thats awesome! I’ll remember that next time I go on. I haven’t been on in a long time cause of space on my iPadXD

    1. Yep! XDDDD, I used to be the same exact way. I hope you get it! :)


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