
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Valentine's Day Buddy Spotlight - 5 Amazing Jammers!

Hey guys! I'm sooo so sorry I haven't posted in a week! I've been sick all week, and haven't really been up to posting (except for the post I did on Animal Jam Community on Tuesday, that was an exception. XDD). Thankfully I'm doing a lot better! But I just can't get rid of my stuffy nose and cough. It's driving me craaaaazy. I finally got my sense of taste back today, so I'm really happy about that. XD

Since Valentine's Day (or Friendship Day as Animal Jam calls it) was two days ago, I wanted to highlight 5 amazing buddies that I've gotten really close to lately, and over the years. I don't know what I'd do without them! It's been such a long time since I've put any friends in the spotlight, so I thought it might be fun to do that. Know that this list isn't in any particular order of how much I like them, it was just all random. XD

Also, I'm super sorry if you didn't make it to this list! These are just a few of the incredible people on Animal Jam, and if you didn't get on this list, maybe you will next time! :)



I've known House for probably like 3 years now. She's been with me through a lot of stuff on Animal Jam, and is so fun to be around! We're very very random and crazy when we're together. XD I'm so happy to have her as a friend! A few months ago, she was one of the only friends I had on AJ, and basically the main reason why I kept playing back then. We have a lot of similar interests, which really made our friendship click! She's so sweet, talented, and funny. She introduced me to 3 other friends below!


This is Housemom418's older sister, and I've known her for probably 2 years? I know I met her a little while after I met House418. She's also been through a lot with me on Animal Jam. She's really so sweet and kind to everyone she meets! She has such a heart and a passion for God, and is so caring. I've literally never seen her angry with anyone (except maybe her sister, hehe). She can also be really funny. Especially when she kicks her legs and finds spaghetti. (:


I've only known Celeb for a few months, but once we started getting to know each other, we were instantly friends. She's really like my twin, because we have so many similarities! She's so giving and helpful. For example... Last week we were playing hide and seek, and I absolutely could not find anyone except her. Instead of her giving up on me, she helped me try to get clues. She's almost like a sister to me, and I'm so happy I met her!


I've also only known Gizmo for a few months, but we also became friends fast! She's always up for whatever me and my friends are doing. She's both the calm, and the crazy in our group of friends! She's super sweet to us all, and even though we haven't known each other very long, I'm so excited to get to know her even better!


Last but absolutely not least, Coolcat! Wow, where do I even start? I've known Coolcat for about 6 years. I feel like I've known her my whole life, and I just keep getting to know her even better. There's so many things about her that I love. She's always there to pray for anything I need prayer about, she's funny, kind, sweet... And a million other amazing things. I've had so many friends, but nobody else has been there for me like she has been. We love talking about so many different things, dogs, food, Jesus, music, life, you name it! We were seriously best friends right away, and I know we always will be. I'm so so so grateful for her! God blessed me with an amazing best friend.

I love you, House418, House322, Celeb, Gizmo, and Coolcat! <3


Name 5 buddies that have meant so much to you lately in the comments! How have they influenced your life? Let me know, I'd love to hear!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. My 5 friends are...
    1. Graciepopstar91
    2. Gracies2ndartgallery
    3. Graciesrareitemmonday
    4. Godislove125
    and last but not least...
    ORBEEZ1233! :)

    1. Okay... i'll be serious I guess... oh wait, i'm never serious. ANYWAY, My 5 friends actually are...
      And last but not least...
      I have tons of other friends as well, these are just the ones that I talk to A LOT. XD

  2. I feel like whenever I’m on AJ there’s like no buddies of mine on that I usually talk too:( Oh well!

    I’m glad you have a bunch of great friends Gracie! You’re a great friend too:)

  3. I am glad to have a friend like you :D


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