
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Screenshot Dump!

Heyyyy guys! I apologize for not doing any blog updates on Tuesday, or posting on Thursday. My allergies have been making me feel so awful, and I didn't really feel up to posting. Allergy season has been so bad where I live! I had to start on two allergy medicines, and I think they're slowly helping. But I'm still super congested for some reason, and I've been getting these weird hot flashes. XD Who knows! But I'm thankful that I'm doing better. How was your week?!


Today I'm going to be doing a screenshot dump! I haven't done one of these in a while, but I love doing them! If you don't know what a screenshot dump is, it's where I go through my screenshot folder/desktop and select random screenshots from Animal Jam and explain what they are. Normally they're pretty funny, or just totally weird. Let's get started!

Such an honor. :o

I found this person's jammer wall, and thought it was so awesome! They had Bible verse masterpieces, and talked on their wall about Jesus, and being forgiven of your sins. People wrote back on their wall, and some were really positive, and others were kind of negative. I loved their wall though!

Here in this picture we see Binx1184 singing the VeggieTales theme song, Housemom418 lighting everything on fire, me and Celebrati0n extinguishing the fire, and Housemom322 very confused. Typical afternoon with us. 

The house caught on fire! Therefore, the only logical option is to throw shoes at it, right?

How do you teach rapping (or "wrapping") on Animal Jam? Hm.

This is so weird, when you I tried on the green spring glove, it came up yellow on my animal. Not sure if it's supposed to be this way or not.

This masterpiece is so awesome! Wally Woooorld!

This is from when I asked House418 and House322 to become authors! Good times good timeeees.

When I was being demanded to become Olaf... I DON'T FEEL LIKE BEING OLAF. HMPH.

This was from so long ago! I edited some bloggers into this theater picture, that I'm assuming was from Animal Jam Archives. From left to right is Talloose, Gfox, Swirlshine, Violet, Lost, Ja, Kara, Sarah, Arctic, Coolcat, and me! On the screen is Frozen, Sarah, and me, sewing bananas. Maaan, we need to sew some more bananas sometime, Sarah! XD

I have no words.
No words.

This picture was not easy to get. AT ALLLLLL.


That's all for this picture dump! I would have shared more, but I haven't taken very many screenshots lately. I'll probably do this again in a couple of months!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Matthew 21:9

Jesus was in the center of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting, "Praise God for the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise God in highest heaven!"

If you didn't know, today is Palm Sunday! Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, that looks back on when Jesus came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. People laid their cloaks, and palm branches out on the road, as Jesus entered the city. It's a time when Jesus was worshipped, and was recognized as the Lord. If you want to know more about this, read Matthew 21!

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

P.S. If you want to see another screenshot dump post from a few years ago, click here! It's reaaaaally funny... Hehe.


  1. Yep, sounds like a typical afternoon with us...and her house is still on fire!! I really need to take more screenshots around Jammaa. I see all kinds of weird things. XDD

    Oh oh, and the house on fire. Yeah, my sis was right. It's STILL on fire.
    Ohhh, and when we became authors...
    Good memories.
    Good memories.

    And wow that G O L D ! screenshot took forever to capture!!!!

  4. Wow I was not expecting to be featured in this XD I miss the days with all bloggers hanging out.

  5. Me singing the Veggie Tales theme song while House is on fire. Good times :')


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