
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Some Good Changes, And RIM Giveaway!

Heyyyyy, guys! I know this isn't my day to post (actually it isn't anybody's day to post...), and it's my day to post on Animal Jam Community. Not getting into too many details, but there's some controversy on how the blog should be run, and there's talk that some posts could be deleted. As of right now, I'm not sure if I'll be returning to the blog... It's sad and upsetting, but I know sometimes things have to come to an end. The thing is, I might not be allowed to write Christian posts anymore on AJC, and that's really my breaking point. Infusing hope and my beliefs into my Animal Jam writing is really what makes my posts unique, and I don't want to do any different. So I think from now on, I'm going to focus more on this blog, updating it, adding new authors, and really keeping this blog alive and thriving. I know I've let some things go, and I don't want it to be like that anymore. I'm going to try, every Tuesday, to invest into this blog. Today I'm going to be changing the theme into an Spring theme for a while! Also I'm going to be praying about adding new authors, updating pages, updating widgets, all that. As we see so many blogs ending, I want to be committed to seeing this blog thrive. Hopefully in the future some authors can even branch out into their own blogs! I want to see the blogging community get back together. I know a lot of us are growing up, but there's a lot of new, young, passionate writers who I can see will continue this for a long time. I'm truly grateful for Housemom418 and Housemom322 for joining this blog! I love introducing new authors, and I think that's what will make this community thrive.

So, get ready for some good changes! Keep your eyes open for new authors, new themes, new parties, giveaways, and lots of fun stuff! If we can round up enough people, we might even do the story contest again! I have an idea for a summer story contest theme! I will also try to reply as much as I can to your guys' comments. Which leads me to apologize about something. A while back we did "The Project", which I suddenly decided to end, because it wasn't going the way I expected it to. That upset a lot of people, and looking back, I realize that was kind of immature of me to do. So, I'm really sorry about that. If I could ever go back and change things, I would. So when we do this story contest this year, what I did during the project is absolutely not happening again. I will not suddenly end it. So many people worked so hard on all that they did for the project, and I realize now how hurtful that might of been. So, I'm sorry about that. I want a clean slate on everything now, so let's start over.

Sorry for all that rambling, hehe. There's a lot of stuff I'm getting into, mainly music and writing outside of Animal Jam blogs, but Animal Jam blogging has really been an anchor for me. It's a place I can share about random stuff, about my life, and all that. I've been writing Animal Jam posts for like 4 or 5 years, and even though I'm getting older, I can't really imagine stopping it, and I would be heartbroken to see the AJ blogging community just fall apart.

Feel free to share your thoughts!


Now let's get into the more fun stuff! XD

As we jump into April, I decided we should have a giveaway! I have so many RIM's that I never use, so why not have a RIM giveaway? This isn't one of those, "choose a number between 1 and 100 and the number I'm thinking of wins", it's just a first come first serve kind of thing. I'm giving away 5 RIM's (one per person), and whoever get's their username in the comments first by April 5th, get's a RIM! Just drop your username in there, tell me you're entering the RIM giveaway, and if you're one of the first people to comment, BOOM! You get a RIM! However, who gets what RIM will just be chosen at random.

Here are the RIM's I'm giving away,

As you can see, these aren't junky RIM's, and most of them are non-member! I have duplicates of all of these except the rare glove, so that's why I'm not too attached to them, ehehe.

You have until April 5th at 12:00 PM (PST) to enter! Good luck! :)


Here's todays Bible verse!

2 Timothy 1:9

For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time - to show us his grace through Christ Jesus.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.



    1. Everyone's is so much more calm than mine, so i'm going to redo it. (:
      I would love to enter.
      My username is Housemom418
      Thank you!
      I love being an author on this blog! It's amazing, I love it!
      Thank you!

  2. I would love to enter your giveaway. :-) Username is Housemom322.

    I am also grateful for being an author of AJFC! It's a huge privilege to be apart of this community!

  3. I would like to enter :)
    (And, by the way, if you do do a story contest, I would like to enter:)

  4. Ello! I'd like to enter also :3 My username is Naturalrebal9 Also, just wanted to say that I love this blog!

  5. Since there is one more slot, i would enter even thought its ove the time. My users knightft. i rlly like da phantom mask Xd

  6. Aw I didn't get a chance to enter.
    It makes sense to focus on your blog though, based on what you feel towards the AJC:) I can't wait! Also I love the new background!


Hey there! Thank you for choosing to comment on AJFC! Before you comment, please read and follow these rules.
1. No inappropriate comments.
2. No foul language.
3. No spam/constant advertising.
4. Please do not spark any drama. Animal Jam is mean't to be a fun place.
5. No personal information.
6. If you choose to comment under anonymous, please state who you are (your username, what your online friends call you, etc.)
7. Enjoy your stay!

Thank you!