
Sunday, May 5, 2019

The New Fennec Fox!

Heyyyy everyone! I hope you had a great week! Did you do anything fun? This week was pretty chill for me. We just did some grocery shopping on Wednesday, and on Thursday my brother and sister-in-law came over for dinner. Since we haven't been doing too much, I've been spending a lot of time watching Christian songwriting lessons, listening to music... All that. XD I've been trying to educate myself in how to write songs well, and I got a lot of helpful tips!

Anywhoooo, let's get started with today's post! (Why do I always say that everytime?)


On Thursday, I talked about the new Animal Jam update that came out, which seemed pretty uneventful. But there was something new that came out, that I was totally unaware of! Lately AJ has been releasing new animals and pets out first when you buy a recurring membership online, and it turns out they did this with the new fennec fox, and pet fennec fox! I found this out when I followed Housemom418 this morning to a jammer's den. She told me to click on the username, and oh my gosh...

It's the new fennec fox, and it is ADORABLE. I just love it's huge ears, and the shape of it. I love it's big tail and little tiny body. XD There was another fennec fox in the person's den, and I think they're even cuter outside of the player card.


This is totally my new favorite AJ animal, and it hasn't even officially come out yet. Can you imagine it with little tiny pigtails on it? Eeeeeeeee...

We haven't even talked about the pet fennec fox, which is almost equally as cute! The person was selling fennec fox pets in their My Shop, and House bought one for me!

It's so funny how it's tail isn't connected to it's body. XD

I wasn't really too thrilled with the accessories in the pet stop that you can put on the pet fennec fox, but honestly I think they're cute all by themselves!

...But honestly, fennec foxes are even cuter in real life. In some states you can even keep a fennec fox as a pet! They totally look like little puppy's, so I could see why someone would want to have a pet fennec fox.

Found this image on Google

I have no words. The picture speaks for itself. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. Oh. My. Gosh.

I better stop talking about how cute it is and staring at the picture, because I'm so close to looking up how much it is to buy a fennec fox... Although, having an actual fox in your home sounds pretty dangerous once it grows up. Just sayin'.

What do you think of the new fennec fox? Let me know in the comments!


Here's todays Bible verse!

1 Timothy 2:1

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

Thursday was the National Day of Prayer, and I think sometimes we overlook the power that prayer has. Yes, God already knows what we need before we even pray, but God wants to hear from us. He knows our hearts, but He wants to hear from us, earnestly praying and seeking Him. Prayer has the power for people to be healed, a nation changed, a relationship restored... Anything is possible with God, so anything is possible through prayer.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. Aww the foxes actually do seem super cute. But irl they are SUPER DUPER CUTE XD

  2. (Casually begs parents for membership today instead of maybe getting it sometime next month)



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