
Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Hello everyone!
Today I thought I would do something slightly different.
I have recently been learning about HAWAIIIIIII, and will be learning about it this term.
So.....Why not share with you some facts?!
This blog is an Animal Jam blog.... So, that's not all we'll be doing. I wanted to recreate Hawaii In AJ since there has been a lot of tropical items in stores lately.
Before we get started please enjoy this small skit/intro type of deal. (:

The Tiger has a point.....Who drinks hot chocolate in Hawaii? Although maybe the Skunk isn't all that wrong. Hawaii is pretty famous for their coffee.
XDD Anyways...If you want to learn a little more about Hawaii stay tuned because I'm about to show you 10 Hawaiian facts!

Number one: The capital of Hawaii is Honolulu, which is on Oahu island.

Number two: In Hawaii Aloha is a common word used in greetings and farewells.

Number three: The Hawaiian alphabet only has 12 letters.

Number four: As well as volcanoes and beaches, Hawaii is famous for surfing, pineapples, coffee and hula dancing, and it's amazing marine life!

Number five: Mount Mauna Kea on Big islands is the tallest mountain in the world, measured from the sea floor. It's double the height of Mount Everest.

Number six: Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee.

Number seven: from east to west Hawaii is the widest state in the United States.

Number eight: More than one- third of the worlds commercial supply comes from Hawaii

Number nine: Under- sea volcanoes that erupted thousands of years ago formed the islands of Hawaii

Number ten: Hawaii is made up op eight big islands and over 100 smaller ones. They stretch for over 1,500 miles in the Pacific Ocean.

Ahhh, my hands hurt. MKAY next up I'm going to show you some of the new AJ tropical items that have recently been coming into stores.

Luau party table!
Luau is a traditional Hawaiian party or feast that is usually accompanied by entertainment.
This was so perfect!
I was so happy about this item because it was such a coincidence.

Palm tree hammock!?
This is a super cool item!
I've always loved hammocks.....They look so comfortable and soft.
This item was on the list not only because it's new but palm trees are very common in Hawaii.
They are also an important religious symbol.
Moreee plam treeeessssss yayyyyyy!
This was a super cute Idea AJ. Like maybe one of the best items EVER. I love how cute it is but I wouldn't want to be stranded on this tiny island.

Funny face stand om XDDDD
this is so cool...I don't think AJ has released something even close to this and that makes it so unique. I put this in because there's lots of sharks in Hawaii one of the most common sharks  is the Whitetip reef shark. Scaryyy.

That's all for today friends..:( 
Thank you for reading!!
Don't forget to comment what you thought of today's post.





Verse - Deuteronomy 6:5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might


  1. Hope you enjoyed!
    Comment your favorite fact :D

  2. What cool facts! Before I was born my parents went to Hawaii for they're honeymoon, and they have so many BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! BTW I'm so loving all the tropical items AJ is putting out!

    1. Hawaii is super pretty!
      And yup, I love them too!! :D

  3. I really love the hammock, I think it is so pretty, and so good in dens! So glad AJ decided to add another item like this into the game!
    Number 6 is really interesting actually! I find that is pretty cool, I didn't know Hawaii really liked coffee. :O
    Awesome blog post, HUNNNNNN (:

    1. Yeah!
      I thought that was super interesting too,
      I agree, the hammock is really cool!
      Thanks for reading, HUNNNNNNN (:

  4. Honolulu XD What a good capital city name XP
    Gizmo, that Skunk tho.... Hawaii is so warm keep it chill with the fleece hat XDDD
    Great post!

  5. Nice creative post, cool facts! I love those palm tree items, I wish they were non member


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