
Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Greatest AJ Thing I've Heard Since Cami Carver - Meagyn Moeller

Heeyyyy everyone! I hope you're having a great week so far! I'm going to be pretty busy this week, and I felt like posting right now, so I'm pre-scheduling this post. XDD This month is summer Christian concert month for me, and that all starts this week! I'm really excited about that!


On The Animal Jam Friendship Community, we tend to post more about stuff inside the game, like updates, dens, artwork, and things like that. But in October, something amazing happened outside of Animal Jam.

I think most of us have heard of Cami Carver. She's the owner of the real life Cami's Frog, and has fought cancer twice. I wrote a blog post about her a while back, and you can click here to read it. But recently I heard the story of another young girl, named Meagyn Moeller, who's 12 years old. Maybe the name "Meagyn" sounds familiar to you. Meagyn is the one who was able to go to Animal Jam Headquarters, and help design the new pet bear!

But there's so much more to the story than being able to go to Animal Jam Headquarters to design a new pet. She, like Cami, has cancer. Not only her, but her mom also has been battling cancer. When Meagyn's mom, Kelly, was diagnosed with cancer, it obviously, was not an easy thing. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and was getting blood clots on her lungs. It's a miracle she was able to survive all that.

After all Kelly went through, Meagyn started throwing up at the same time every day. The doctors diagnosed her with anxiety and PTSD after all she saw her mom go through, but then one day Meagyn just collapsed. When she got to the hospital, the doctors said she had fluid on her brain, and they were going to need to drain it. The doctor, without even getting a scan of her brain, knew there was probably a tumor behind all the fluid. The tumor was the size of an apricot, which is crazy.

After a scan of her brain, they did find a cancerous brain tumor. Meagyn had to undergo a 19 hour surgery. That same day Meagyn got surgery, her mom Kelly had a follow-up appointment for her own cancer.

Meagyn couldn't walk, talk, or even eat after the surgery. Her mom said that having a child that has cancer is a million times harder than having cancer yourself, since there's really nothing you can do about it. Those times must have been so scary, especially since Meagyn and Kelly didn't have any family near them. They only had each other.

In October, Meagyn was given the chance through Make-A-Wish to have a wish of hers granted. Her other brothers and sisters wanted her to get a chance to go to Disneyworld, but instead she chose something quite different. She wanted to go to the headquarters of her favorite game. Animal Jam! Her dream became a reality, and AJHQ went above and beyond for her.

When Meagyn got to AJHQ, the staff greeted her outside the building with a welcome sign, and when she got inside the building, they gave her a poster of her Animal Jam avatar named "FangLove" that she's holding in the picture! Behind her you can see a sign that says "Welcome Meagyn!" I love that AJHQ did all this for her

She was able to get a tour around the place, and she was all decked out in her Animal Jam hoodie, and wolf hat! Her mom Kelly is on the left, and one of the WildWorks employees is on the right. When Meagyn was diagnosed with a brain tumor in June of 2017, Kelly said that Animal Jam helped Meagyn immensely. "It's not even an outlet. It's more than that, this is her passion." Kelly said, according to Deseret News(yes I know Deseret News is mormon XD)

Gosh, that's just so amazing. In Meagyn's battle with cancer, Animal Jam became almost a new normal, while every single thing in her life changed. Animal Jam for sure isn't everything we need in life. Jesus is. But to this little girl, Animal Jam became a little bit of fun and hope in the midst of so much crazy. That's the good stuff in Animal Jam.

At AJHQ, it looks like there's huge canvas's of some of those well known Animal Jam graphics that we see! Meagyn's mom said that Animal Jam helps keep Meagyn's cognitive skills sharp, and allows her to interact with her friends, even while she battles cancer. "It's about who she is on the inside, she can go online and be who she is. ...It's freeing for her." Kelly said, also according to Deseret News.

Two months ago on Kelly's GoFundMe, she posted an update that said Meagyn is getting her hair back, that she lost due to chemo therapy. It seems that slowly but surely, she's making progress. She's going to be able to do school online, which is amazing! Kelly's cancer is considered stable, and she said she'll be getting more scans done soon.

I don't know if Meagyn and Kelly are Christians, but they sure do show a great amount of faith and perseverance. Meagyn and Kelly's lives have not been easy, but there lives are not over. God is still writing their stories, and He could use their situation for His glory, and their ultimate good. You see, life is hard. Life could change in an instant for any of us. But we can have faith that God is in control, and no matter what happens, it's going to be okay. There may seem to be no end to the trials your facing, but there's going to be an end to the trials at some point if we believe in God. Whether the trials end for us here on earth, or when we get to Heaven. But we have hope. And that hope and faith in God is what's going to help us get through the hard stuff.


If you want to read more about Meagyn and Kelly, you can click heeeere, and here!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Philippians 4:6

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. Wowwww, this was so cool to read. ;-; I honestly feel awful for kids or just people in general who have to go through cancer. People in my life have done that and it's so hard to watch. I can only imagine how hard it would be for Meagyn's mom.

    Thanks for posting this! It's awesome hearing that AJ is still being amazing and blessing people. <33

    -Lostfairy (not signed in)

  2. Awww this is sad but greatful at the same time. Like Lost said, I feel bad for the people who have to go through cancer or anything serious and disabilities. They don’t get to live their life to the full extent that some people do. It seems great that we all can be looked after though:) I also remember hearing about Meagyn vaguely when the bear got released.

  3. There are many words to express my love and wishes for meagyn but I will say this. You are a very special and courageous young lady and God made you beautiful and strong! Keep on keeping on !
    Your loving uncle, Gene


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