
Friday, June 21, 2019

Trade Attempts for my Green Party Hat!

If you guys can't read it since it is quite small it says:
Me: Hello! May I help you?
Pig with burger hat on: Yes, you may. Can I offer for your party hat?
Me: Of course! It's on trade.
*Offers a candy crown*
Pig with burger hat on: You cheesy potato :( THAT WAS FAIR!
Me: Well uh... I like cheesy potatoes? :D
Today, I am going to be doing trade attempts for my green party hat!
I'm probably not going to accept any offers today due to I really like my party hat but,
(Just a heads up, the worth of the party hat is a black long + a good long)
Um so I went into Jamaa and I saw this...
First offer:
This trade I already knew I wasn't going to accept just because a party hat is worth a black long + a good long, which I don't think this offer would equal out to that, so I declined.
Onto the second one!
Okay, I literally got offered this, and I was pretty shocked that someone would try to trade me all of this. I thought that the person was probably over trading, but just in case I decided to look at how much the trade was worth. I decided to look what the trade could be worth at the most. The most that the trade could've been worth is only 49 den betas! Glad I calculated before hand, XDDD.
Third offer:
Mmm, sowwie, no thanks (:
Forth offer:
Oof, okay, not bad at all, the most this trade could be worth is 88 den betas, while the most my party hat could be is 85. But, I'm really picky so I declined this trade.
Fifth Offer:
Oooh, some pretty good items!
So, that's it for today guys. I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post!!! It was quite fun to make to see what people would offer for a party hat. XD
I hear people a lot saying that it's super hard to trade party hats, I'm not sure if I exactly believe that anymore because of these trades.
Maybe it's hard for them because what they are looking for are hard items to find?
Here's today's bible verse!
Habakkuk 2:20 KJV
But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.




  1. What do you guys think of this blog post?
    Let me know!
    Also, I want to do an assumption's about you blog post! Let me know what assumption's you guy's have about me! :)

  2. That’s actually kinda cool to see

  3. Aw, XDDD
    I love them too! I think they are a really cool item, if only I had the whole collection from when I played! LOL
    I have to agree with going poor though... LOL


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