
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Celebrating a Year With AJFC

Hello guys! I am SUUUUUUPPPEEEERRR excited about today! This week, Monday August, 19th marked a year since my sister and I became official authors on this blog. It has changed my life. The last year has brought many things - both good and bad. Through it I've learned a lot. I've learned what it's like to be a blogger. Yes, I only post once a week, but I'm glad that I do. I wouldn't be here without you guys! Really!

I want to thank you, as the reader, for being with me the last year. You've seen me grow in my writing. My first posts, were pretty cringey, I must say. You stayed with me anyway. So, today I want to take you back to memory lane, highlighting some of my posts, over the last year.

I want to thank you Gracie, for allowing me to work at my passion - writing. You've taught me tremendously on how to not only write, but how to blog in general. You've taught me the ins and outs. That deserves a big "thank you."

 Now, we shall get started. My first "official" post was entitled: Top 10 Best Hats Currently Out 
I say official because you may remember, I was a fill-in-author since May 24, 2018. 

This was a post that I went to Jam Mart Clothing and I tried on a few hats, that I felt were the best. It's kind of a cheesy first official post. In my post, I said that this...

was my favorite hat, that has since changed. I mean this is absolutely adorable, but I think I like the French Braid a lot better, or even a Fedora! Yeah, why I chose this as my favorite, I REALLY don't know. However, I must admit, I still think it would be in my top 10 though.

My most popular post is my Why So Dark? post with 136 views as I write this. It also had the most comments with 16 comments. I really enjoyed doing the research for this post, and the pictures that I took. :)

At this time, I was also a nonmember as you can see. I remember those days. LOL

Anybody remember the "There's Power In The Word" series? Yeah, I do that allowed me to get a start in making devotional type Christian posts. It was based on Psalms 119, but I didn't finish the series. I felt like I was saying the same thing over and over, I've thought about coming back to it, and I just may.

I feel like I've become better at writing these types of posts. So, maybe I should do that. It may be beneficial for all of us. XD

My "Guess the Worth" post was my least viewed post, with only 11. This was written a month ago, but I was really proud of this post and still am. You see, to me it's not about the views or the comments (though I do love the comments). It's about what I love to post.

My personal favorite post over the last year was either "Different Food Outfit Ideas," (AJ Post) or "What Is Your Desire," (Christian post).

Intro to "What Is Your Desire" post.

If there was one big thing I would like to improve on over the next year it would hands down be my intros. I have changed my style of intros so many times over the year. I can't really say, I like any of them. I just don't know. I don't like them, so that's one thing I want to improve on.


Over the last year, I have written 48 it's 49. I've enjoyed writing  95% of them, (the 5% were probably the last 3 There's Power In The Word series I did). Thank you all, for making my blogging journey possible! Thank you! Please comment down below, what you've seen me improve on most over the year, or even what I still need to improve on.

Today's Encouraging Quote:

God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies. – Hudson Taylor

Today's Bible Verse:
38) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39) Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 8:38-39 (KJV)

Remember, the best friend you have is, Jesus Christ.


  1. Happy 1 year House!! Congrats Houze:) I’m glad I’ve been able to experience all your posts!! Also for some reason it feels like you joined later, time just flies right past XD

    1. I know right! I can't believe it's been a year either! It's crazy how time just flies. I'm glad I've known you this entire time, and even before! Thanks for sticking by me!

  2. Happy 1 year! I'm glad I could affect your life by naming you Houze hehe. I'm glad I'm getting to see you grow as a writer, both mindfully and with grammar and all that jazz. (ok tbh that made absolute 0 sense.) i have so much else to say but right now i cant think of how to put it. this comment was a mess but always,
    Binx out with the drinks.


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