
Thursday, August 8, 2019

The French Fry Noodle Camel Update - 8/8/19

HELLOOOOO JAM JAMS. How's everyone doing today?! I would of posted this sooner, but due to laziness, and the fact that I was out of the house most of the day, this post has been delayed. XD I want to apologize for not posting on Sunday! I'm pretty sure I didn't post because I was tired... I dunno. I also wanted to let you guys know that Gizmo634 is currently on a hiatus. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to her, so I'm not sure how long it will be, but as for right now there won't be any posts on Tuesday. :)

Anywhooo, let's jump into today's post, since today we have a rather interesting Animal Jam update...


On the first page, Animal Jam announced this week's wild weekend! I honestly am not a fan of anything Juno, but they came out with an item set based around the alpha. Let's take a look at them!

I do really like the blue theme going on here, but I just don't like Juno so uhm. XDD

Camels are here! I heard people saying before the camels came out, that they hope it's not just an edited version of a llama, since camels and llamas are pretty similar with their fur and such. And well... It is an edited version of a llama. They're currently for sale for 10 diamonds in the Diamond Shop, and here's what they look like.

Uhhhhhh... I don't like slamming AJ or criticizing them. I really don't. But this just... It's just not good. Let's see what other people are saying about the camels. I randomly walked into a conversation about them, and it was quite interesting. (BEWARE OF THE PICTURE DUMP XDD)

I kept telling the House's that the legs looked like sticks. But I guess noodles work too.

Or french fries.

Someone is unsure (like I was) of what's going on exactly with these camels.

This person was saying how the swords don't seem secure on camels.

Oh goodness. XDD

True. The armor is just gently resting atop the camel.


This page is just an ad for Play Wild. I know a lot of people play Play Wild, but I honestly haven't been on Play Wild in MONTHS. By now it's probably been like a year... I used to go on there almost every night with Swirlshine!

Cosmo's Tree House is back! This den is pretty big, so big that I think it took me quite a while to actually take the time to finish decorating it. It's for sale in the Diamond Shop for 7 diamonds!

It's almost National Honeybee Day, which means pet honeybee's are back! I always forget to buy one, so I'll have to try and remember to buy one this year. They're just so stinkin' adorable that I gotta have one. You can adopt one by clicking on one of the honeybee signs around Jamaa! I love that when you click on the sign, you not only can adopt a pet honeybee, but you can also read a fact about honeybee's too!

Even the sign is adorable, oh my goodness. :o

The seasonal adventure, Tiki Trouble is back! I remember this adventure is pretty fun, and it's great because you can win pineapple plants. And pineapples are amazing. (:

New "frolicking foxes" will soon be coming to Jamaa! I know Animal Jam has been doing this a lot, using old animals and sticking patterns on them, but I honestly think that's really cool! I think these new foxes are going to be really beautiful, since they're going to have flowers on them. I'm excited to see what these animals look like!

The Schoolhouse Party is back! I think the Schoolhouse Party is so cute, and I love the items that they sell in it. Also, there's a new den item set that will be coming to Jamaa soon, with bird feather items. The couch is already for sale in the Diamond Shop for 1 diamond.


What did you think of today's update? Be sure to let me know in the comments beloooow!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 86:5

O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


Are any of you bloggers out there having the same problem as I am? When I click on my Blogger reading list, it won't show me the newest posts from me and Housemom322. I dunno if the reading list feature is going to be going away, or if this is just a glitch I'm having. Let me know!
Never mind, Blogger fixed it. XD

1 comment:

  1. Wow I thought tiki trouble was a normal adventure not a seasonal one XD


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