
Thursday, August 15, 2019

What You Can Learn About People On AJ In Just One Trip To Jamaa Township And Bee Wild Weekend 8/15/19 And This Is A Very Long Title

HEYYYY JAM JAMS! I'm currently bored out of my mind so I figured I might as well post, cuz it's kinda my day to post after all. We were gonna go grocery shopping today, but my mom is feeling really sick today. So please keep her in your prayers! I get super stressed whenever a family member is sick, so uh...

I know I seem to apologize every time I do a post for some reason or another, but I really did want to apologize for the wonky posting schedule lately. I know I haven't been posting on Sunday's, and I've said this before, but I am just so exhausted on Sunday's that it makes it super difficult to come out with a decent post. I would love to see daily blog posts on here again, so I'm going to try to make that possible! I would really like to find another blogger to post for me on Sunday's, but it seems like AJ blogging has really declined, and there really aren't many people that can commit to blogging. So, we shall see. My goal is to keep this blog going as long as Animal Jam is around. So I'm definitely hoping that some young and aspiring writers will want to join the blogging world soon!

Okay that's enough rambling, let's get started with today's post. (:


I've been wanting to do this blog post for a while, and I got the pictures for this post weeks ago! I'm calling this segment... "What you can learn about people on AJ in just one trip to Jamaa Township. Long title, I know. It's pretty interesting the things you can know about this game as soon as you go into Jamaa Township...

First of all, Jamaa Township is full. Like all the time. Especially Aldan. Sometimes all the other lands are open, except for Jamaa Township, which is basically trading central.

People host weird roleplays in there den that 99% of the time end in drama.

I think to a new player, this alone would be confusing. "trade me flower crown member no yellow" "SWAP MY PHANTOM CLOTHES ON TRADE TO BLACK PLS."

People always beg for rares.

People make 0 sense.

And that's what Animal Jam is aaaaaaaaalllllllll about. :D


Anywho, on another note, today is the start of this week's Wild Weekend! Let's take a look at that, as it's rather interesting...

Now for sale in the Diamond Shop is the Royal Bee Armor! In this set is the royal bee armor, and supposedly den items, but I can't find any den items which is strange... If you know where they are please comment below so I can update this post!

These new items are to celebrate National Honeybee Day, which is this Saturday! Let's take a look at the armor.

Okay, this armor isn't horrible, but it isn't my favorite. We've definitely had worse Wild Weekends, but we've also had better. But I mean... Bee's don't have hair.
I'll leave it at that.


What did you think of today's update? Be sure to comment beloooow!


Here's todays Bible verse!

John 16:33

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. The den items are in Epic Wonders. :) My sister told me.

    1. Including more Wild Weekend clothing items.

  2. I don’t mind the armour, but th items are definitely not my favourite.


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