
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dressing Up Like Cartoon Charatcers

Hey guys! Welcome back to another post! I am so happy today, we got incredible news from the doctor today. However, we need further testing for a few things, but as of now we (My sister and I) are healthy!

I also would like to take a moment to think about all those who sacrificed their life today, 18 years ago, as the World Trade Centers went down. A lot of us might have not been alive at the times and so we may think it doesn't really apply to us, however many, many kids never got to see their parents again, and moms and dads never got to see their children again. So thank you to all the people who gave up their life to save others. Thank you to all those who are still doing it today. All of the first responders, thank you for what you do. You all make a difference though it may not seem like it sometimes.

So today, I couldn't think of anything to do for the life of me...

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks crashing down! I should totally dress up like cartoon characters, since I've done food ones before. So, that's exactly what we are doing today. I have 7 characters that I and a couple of friends helped me pick out, (Gizmo634, Snowflake6115, Graciepopstar91, and Housemom418). Thank you guys for helping me!!!!

1) Alice (Alice in Wonderland)

This is my crazy rendition of Alice. It's actually pretty close to her, but I was having a hard time with the headband she has in hair since AJ only allows you one head item. LOL So, chose to put a braid on her and make the kangaroo's ears back to symbolize the headband that she has.

2) Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Snowflake6115, picked this one out. I absolutely love how this one turned out! It looks soooo much like her! The Jamaailday bow is perfect for this look! I am kind of obsessed with how this one looks! 

3) Guess who it is (Mickey Mouse Club House)

This one was my sister's suggestion and she actually posed for this picture. Can you guys figure out who she is???

You're right! Daisy Duck!!!  

I absolutely love how she did this one! I really don't have words for this one other than that fact that's amazing!

4) Elsa (Frozen) 

Then, I had some good friends join me and we dressed up like characters, one of which included a random potato. I cleared the outfit...oops! Anyways, we all dressed up like Elsa from Frozen. Gracie picked this one out, along with the next one which is...

5) Mickey Mouse (Micky Mouse Club House) 

Here we have the old classic, Mickey Mouse. I honestly really struggled with this one, and it's probably honestly my least favorite, just because it doesn't really look like Mickey at all.  I don't know, it's just the colors are really off. LOL 

6) Tinkerbell (Tinkerbell) 

Gizmo634 chose this one. Again, I struggled with this one, since it was multiple items should have been on her. For example, I was going to put her little puff ball shoes on, but I had to put pants on, which were my shoes. Then I could have put a dress on here, but then she wouldn't have her wings. It's okay, though! I do like how it turned out, but maybe would have been slight better if I was able to layer the things a bit more. However, if AJ allowed you to do that, things may get chaotic real quick.

7) Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh) 

I think this is my favorite out of them all. I have so many fond memories of watching Winnie the Pooh and not only that, but when my sister came home from the hospital when she was a baby. She was brought home in a pink Winnie the Pooh blanket. So it's super special. :) For this one I was afraid I was going to have to use a Direwolf as the animal, but then I realized that we had a Panda and was immediately relieved!


Well, I think that's all for today! I hope you all enjoyed because I certainly did. Please comment letting me know what kinds of future posts you all would like to see, because I am running out of ideas!!! Hope you guys have a great rest of your week!

Today's Encouraging Quote:

We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts. - A.W Tozer

Today's Bible Verse:

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: - Philippians 1:6 (KJV)

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.

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