
Thursday, September 19, 2019

The My Little Po- I Mean The Arabian Horse Update! 9/19/19

HELLOOOOOO JAMMERS! Welcome to my second post this week! (Yesss!) Hopefully you're all having a fantastic week, and a fantastic Thursday! My Thursday has been great because I just had fajitas for dinner. Fajitas are the best Mexican food dish ever. SERIOUSLY.

Anywhoooo, let's jump riiiight into today's post! Because it seems that Animal Jam has turned into My Little Pony. DUN DUN DUN.

Okay side note before we get into the post, AJ posted this on the Daily Explorer and I about died.

Yep. Arabian horses have arrived, and yep, there's all the items on AJ to make every My Little Pony character. Ah, what has our world come to?
(ok but i have to admit it's pretty cute)

Moving on.


Yes the classic kid's show characters also made their way into the Jamaa Journal.
These new horses are in my opinion the cutest animal that Animal Jam has released in a while! I'm really happy with how AJ designed them, and it doesn't look like they were edited from another past animal or anything. They're unique, and their own special animal design! The play action is super cute, but I'll let you discover that on your own! You won't be disappointed, it's quite adorable.

They're now for sale in the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds!

Pet raccoons have returned once again! These are now for sale in the Diamond Shop for 3 diamonds. Pet raccoons are so adorable, and you should definitely get one if you haven't already!

The autumn den is back too! I think this den is so pretty, and can't believe that it's already been a year since this den was released. The autumn small house is now for sale in the Den Depot shop for 2,000 gems. I'm happy that this den is for sale for gems and not diamonds, and is for all jammers!

Like the pet raccoons, avatar raccoons are also back! They're now for sale for 1,000 gems. (I almost wrote 1,000 diamonds. Not diamonds. That would be insane.)

The Matsuri outfits and den items will soon me coming to Jamaa! So far only the drum has come out, along with these two head items.

I think the flower head item is so pretty, and it looks great on the new Arabian horses. These items are now for sale in the Diamond Shop for 2 diamonds each.

Unfortunately, the summer carnival has officially left. I honestly forgot to spend the rest of my tickets. Oops... Well now I'll have 11,378 tickets for next year... Heh. Night of the phantoms will be coming soon, but I want to let you guys know that during halloween, we will not be covering any of the night of the phantoms updates. Halloween has a very dark background, and the Bible goes against everything that halloween is about. If you want to read more about why we don't post about halloween on here, you can click here to read my post from last year. :)

There's only a few weeks left to get the falcon bundle! My mom bought me a 6 month AJ membership yesterday online, and I only got 9,000 gems and 25 diamonds. No bundles. Dunno why, but whatever. XD

A reminder about the secret den shop! I think it's so cool that AJ does this hidden shop, and I love the items they put in it! Sometimes they're random, but sometimes they're super cool! This months hidden item is an ADORABLE sushi stand! I don't even eat sushi and I love it! XD

It's now for sale for 2,000 diamonds!


What did you think of today's update? What was your favorite part of it? Let me know in the comments beloooow!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Isaiah 30:21

Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left.

 God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

P.S. On Sunday I'll announce the winner of the rare spiked collar giveaway!


  1. Hey Gracie! XDDDDD
    I spotted a lil' error in your post that is not a big deal, but it made me laugh instead. LOL
    "These items are not for sale in the Diamond Shop for 2 diamonds each."
    Wonderful post!

  2. Oh my word, I am LOVING all the Asian styled clothing and den items AJ has been releasing. ;__; I am hugely interested in Korean and Japanese culture. (Chinese too!) AND THAT SUSHI STAND. WHY MUST I BE A NON-MEMBER. XD

    If anyone has a sushi stand or any of the Asian items up for trade, I'd love to trade for them. :O

    -Lostfairy (not signed in)


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