
Friday, October 11, 2019

5 Things In Animal Jam That Doesn't Bother You, but Bothers You IRL

Hey y'all! Welcome back to another blog post! 
How has your week been so far? Mine has been going okay...
This week I've had a lot of school, while my best friend at church is having a super easy week! Like, how sad! Just kidding... (whispers in mind, don't envy, don't envy...)
How is school going for y'all? (:
So I think all of us have things that annoy us a lot, especially when it comes to the weather outside, if you are out in it. 
But, sometimes there are things in AJ that you do, that would annoy you so much if it wasn't a game, and it was real life!
So, let's get started!
5. People Talking At Once
 Let's be honest, it probably annoys us all when everybody is talking at once. Especially, if someone is louder than everybody in the room. While people in Animal Jam "scream" and "talk all at once," in real life when someone screams it probably annoys you.
So you are walking, and then you step into a puddle on a rainy day...
It can't just be my family and I...
However, In Animal Jam for example, you are just walking through Temple Of Zios with your Jamaaliday socks on...
Please don't tell me I'm the only one who hate when their feet are wet...
3. Climbing Up A Tree
Most and likely when you climb up a tree in life, you are going to get a callus or something like that. But In Animal Jam... you can climb up a tree without thinking anything about it, like the Appondale tree. Interesting, right?
2. Advertising
Now, In Animal Jam it probably doesn't bother you when somebody decides they are going to advertise their shop in Jamaa township, because It's like the only way to get people to buy stuff. However, In Life, It's a little bit different... when somebody comes to your door or something and they are like, "YOU SHOULD GO TO MY STORE" That's...
probably annoying.
1. Follow me?
Sometimes Its fine in animal jam when somebody is like, Follow me! But...
Sometimes in life, if you are trying to do something and somebody just wants you to follow them, it can get a little bit annoying if they keep asking, I'm sure.
Well, That's it today guys! I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
Well guys, Here's today's meme!
(All credit goes to owners)
Most importantly, here is today's bible verse!!! :)
Job 36:5 (KJV)
Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not any: he is mighty in strength and wisdom.


  1. Wait, have you ever climbed a tree before? It's quite fun and I wouldn't call it annoying. I've never gotten a callus from climbing a tree. XD

    But yeah, people talking all at once is annoying. XD And if someone told me to follow them, I'D CALL THE COPS. XD THAT'S JUST... CREEPY.


    1. LOL, I haven't. But my friend gets calluses quite often, and I'm pretty sure she gets them from climbing trees. I might be wrong though, thanks for pointing that out Lost! :) XDDDDDD WOW LOST, I TOTALLY JUST LAUGHED AT THAT LAST PART. "If someone told me to follow them, I'D CALL THE COPS." What I ment by that was not strangers. XDDDD


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