
Friday, November 22, 2019

I'm Back! + Pumpkin Pie!

Y'ALL!!! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so sorry I left without telling any of y'all, except I did tell Gracie. LOL I'm so glad to be back! Y'all mean so much to me, and I am so thankful for y'all! I took a little break for 2 weeks to get me back into the routine of posting, and because I didn't have any ideas. *cough* Let's get this blog back on It's feet! Err- well- blog's don't have feet- um...
*crosses that off the list*
I've realized that It's 6 more days until Thanksgiving. I've felt like this year has gone by so fast! I just can't believe it! It feels like It was just Thanksgiving... but now we are saying hello to Thanksgiving 2019! What is your guys' favorite Holiday? Let me know in the comments below! Mine probably has to be... Christmas! I love Christmas, because It's a time to celebrate the Lord's birth! :-) I really love Thanksgiving though, because I've found myself not being thankful for what I have. Thanksgiving is a day all around the country, to celebrate and thank God for what He has given us! 

Today, I am going to be playfully making a pumpkin pie in Animal Jam. However, this is an actual recipe! (It's not mine though, so don't take it as mine. Just a recipe I found on Google... LOL) I don't know how good the recipe is, but... *coughs* GIVE IT A TRY! XDDD
Let's get into it!
"Hey Y'all! Welcome back to the cooking show with Housemom418! Today, I am going to be making a pumpkin pie! Let's be honest, It's a tradition in most house's to eat Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving. Since Thanksgiving is in 6 days, all of y'all (or if you are southerner, you already are cooking and baking for Thanksgiving) are going to be making your famous recipe that your family goes by! Or, if you are a youngin' you are making your mom's, or grandma's, or great grandma's, or great great grandma's, or great great great grandma's, (the list can go on forever) recipe! Let's get into it."
"Now, some people like to be fancy and make their own pie crust. So if you want to make your own pie crust, you may. However, if you don't... then just go to the store and pick up pie crust! This does not need to be pre-baked. Since I don't have crust, let's go to the store and get some!"
"Time to go home!" 
"Alright, now that we have the crust, we need to do the filling.
You can use your own homemade Pumpkin Puree, or you can go to the store and get some Pumpkin Puree. Today, we will be using our own homemade Pumpkin Puree. First, grab a pumpkin. If you don't have a pumpkin... go to the store and get a pumpkin. Or... I'd rather you go to a pumpkin patch.
Next, wash it and cut it in half. (the poor pumpkin!) 
Make sure to remove all pith and seeds, and then cut it into cubes. Once you do that, bake until tender. There you have it, Pumpkin Puree! 
Make sure all of the ingredients are at room temperature before you begin, though."
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon
  • 2 eggs
  • 15 oz pumpkin puree
  • 10 oz evaporated milk
(Grabs the eggs) Alright! Let's go back inside! 
(once inside)
Now, just throw all of the ingredients in a bowl at those measurements that was listed above. 
(throws them into a bowl)
Okay! Now that we did that, mix!
Line a 9″ pie plate with a pie crust and add a sprinkle of flour and sugar, and then pour into prepared crust.
Now, put it in the oven for 45 minutes!
Yay! Now we are done with our pumpkin pie!
It's a perfect gift to give to your friends for thanksgiving! Go and give the pies to your friends, and be thankful for your friends! :)
Well, I guess that's It for today, y'all! Thank you so much for reading, all of your guys' views really encourage me to keep on going! I love posting, but I want to make sure that y'all like what I'm posting as well. Here's today's meme!
(All credit goes to the owners)
Oh my gosh... XDDDD
I feel so bad for this meme! The poor little turkey. :(
We all have to love turkey's... LOL
Most importantly, here is today's bible verse!
Romans 12:1 (KJV)
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

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