
Friday, December 20, 2019

Giving Gifts on Animal Jam to Those In Need

Hello y'all! Welcome back to another blog post. Today, I am going to be doing just another random act of kindness. 5 days is Christmas, and for me this is my favorite time of the year. This time of the year, (though I don't believe that Jesus was born in this season, or on Christmas day,) It's a time to celebrate how God sent His Son to die for us! I am so excited to celebrate that this year, which is always the most important part of the season! I am going to admit though, I am excited for the presents, but I'm more excited to celebrate His birth than presents because presents will just fade away, but the Son of God will never fade away.

I have been growing out of Animal Jam lately, so I decided that I wanted to do something a little bit different than what I normally do. Instead of doing a Christmas countdown or something like that, I decided that I wanted to give gifts to the Jammers that love this game, and are really looking forward to Christmas this year! So, why not get into it, shall we?

I am going to be giving away one beta to each person. I will be giving to 5 people today! Let's get onto it. :)
First, I'm going to go to Jamaa. I decided that I was going to give to the New Jammers, so that they would have a little something to get them by. :) Let's go!
First, I went to a New Jammer's den and they did not come. They might've not noticed? Maybe they don't know how to get around yet? Yeah, that's probably it. Now let me go find another new jammer... 🤣🤣
Alright, I found a new jammer! I decided to give them my only non member den beta that I was possibly looking to trade, and they were so happy! I'm so glad that I can make people happy. You can also make people happy! :)
They were so happy! First they were a little bit suspicious, but then once they got it, they said: "TYSM" :)
3 more to go!
This was the sweetest thing ever. I went to give a new jammer this...

and they totally flipped out! It's always fun giving, but make sure you are a cheerful giver! I'm SO excited for Christmas this year. Are y'all excited? I still can't believe It's only 5 more days until Christmas. I'm just trying to tell myself that It's far away. LOL But It's not! Let's continue. :)
I was not able to get a screen shot of this one, but I traded them a Television. At first when I went to trade, they declined because a Television is member's only. They did not know that nonmembers can trade member items. So I told them that you can't use it, but you can trade it for another item. They realized that you could, and they accepted. :)
I found this New Jammer in Jamaa, just laying there, with a bunch of necklaces on trade. I decided that it would be the perfect time to give away my last beta, so I did! They said "tysm!" once I gave it to them. I totally recommend doing this, because It is so fun to see their reactions even though you guys are just behind the screen. 
I also wanted to thank you guys so much for crazy views on the 11/27/19 blog post. I got almost 400 views which is crazy! Thank you guys for viewing it. :)
I guess that's it for today guys! I hope you enjoyed. HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS! Bye!!

Here's today's meme!
(All credit to owners, found on Google)
I love this meme so much, literally. The dog looks soooo guilty! LOL

And here's today's Bible verse!
Luke 1:31 (KJV)
And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.


  1. Hello my friends. I have no idea if yall remember me, but my username is bikol7. I was a frequent AJ player several years ago, but Im now in 5th grade and have grown out of Animal Jam. I havent been active for around a year, and today ive made my decision to fully quit and leave the community. So much stuff has been going on lately,depression,death,new school, but in the end ive found friends through Christ. As I mentioned earlier, i am suffering from depression, but im still staying strong. If you guys wanna subscribe to my YT, its Gachakitty Crystal. Thank you all for your kindness,
    Bikol7 :)

    1. Hello! I want to say that your username sounds familiar. I totally agree with growing out of Animal Jam. I am so sad that you are quitting and leaving the community, but I completely understand. I am very sorry about your depression. I have struggled through that too, I might've not had it as bad as you do, but I know maybe a little bit about what you are feeling. I just wanted to say, please keep being strong. People love you, and they are there for you. I bet a new school was really hard for you to change into. Make sure you have true friends that will stick around for you. I will surely check your YT out. (3


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