
Monday, December 16, 2019

I'm Back (for now), and Magenta Seals!

HIIII JAMMERS! I'm here. I'm back... for now. Literally the only reason I'm posting right now is because I don't have any outside of AJ writing to do at the moment, and I'm bored because we aren't going anywhere today. So yeah. I do have to apologize for not posting very often! I've been super duper busy between writing, and getting ready for the holidays. But today I don't have anything to do, so I decided to update the blog and post! Any who, let's get into today's post!


So if you've spent any length of time in Aldan last week, you probably noticed people screaming that they're looking for a magenta seal. At first for some people it was a mystery where these new magenta seals came from, but I instantly knew where they were probably coming from.

Yep. I figured this must be where these seals are coming from. And Animal Jam confirmed it today, because on the Daily Explorer they released information on all the items that are in the new box, and one of the items in the box is a code to get the new magenta seal. So, mystery solved! If you want to get the new magenta seal, you're either going to have to trade for it, or spend $25 on the Animal Jam box. Your choice. I personally would try trading for the seal before I go spending my money on it... But y'know. It's up to you.

Luckybamboo21's seal

Fun fact: if you Google "Animal Jam magenta seal" my seal Daintysnake pops up. I did not expect to see that.

These new seals are super cute, and I hope to be able to get one some day!


What do you think of these new seals?! Be sure to comment down below and let me know!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 39:7

And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

1 comment:

  1. I think they are cute, but I personally think AJ overhyped the whole "magenta" items. I mean I get it, but I feel it's a little much.


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