
Sunday, December 29, 2019

My Last Post of the DECADE?!?! 2019 in a Nutshell

Hi, everyone. I'm back for another post, and have some sad news to share...

This is my last post of the decade.

*tears up*

Okay maybe that was too dramatic, but it's true! This is my last post of the decade! It's pretty crazy to think that this blog has been around for nearly half of a decade. The blog started in 2015, and it's amazing to see how far we've come! Lots of bloggers have come and left, but I'm grateful for each and every one of them!

Who knows, maybe this blog will be around for half of a decade more! I'm excited to see what this next year and this next decade holds for AJFC!

Anywho, last year I did a post called "2018 in a Nutshell" and decided to do the same thing this year! This is basically just me reviewing the year and how it went for me. Feel free to do the same thing in the comments! Let's gooooo!


2019 In a Nutshell (According to Gracie)


Overview of 2019:

This year really was great. One of the biggest highlights for me was that I started my first job! It's a volunteer writing job, and I just recently got promoted. It's been so great having an amazing group of Christian writers around me. They all really feel like family. I got to go to nine Christian concerts this year, and met a total of thirteen artists! Although this year there have been a few challenges in our church, this year was amazing! I feel like God has given me this year as a time of rest after all I went through in 2018, watching my sister literally almost die, and taking care of my niece full time while my sister was in the hospital and recovering. That was for sure a crazy season, so this year has really just been a time to breathe. God is always doing such amazing things in my life, and has given me so much hope for the future. I'm so excited to see what's to come in 2020! If I had to choose one word (well... make that two words) to sum up 2019, it would be "God's favor," because I've seen His favor so much this year.

Bible verse of 2019:

Definitely Matthew 19:26, which says:

"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"

At the beginning of the year a friend (acquaintance??) sent me that verse, and it really became my verse for 2019. I feel like I've defied a lot of odds this year, which reminds me that with God all things are possible. From our human stand point, a lot of things look impossible. But with God, all things are possible.

Song of 2019:

Oooh boy... I think I'm gonna go with Fear No More by Building 429. Overall it's a really great song both musically and lyrically, but there's one line in that song that especially sticks out to me. "This isn't what I'd choose / but it's where I'm finding You." Honestly, there's been a lot of situations this year that I would have never chosen, but God did. And that's where I'm finding Him. I would never have chosen our church situations, but it's where I'm finding God. I guess you would say I'm in the music industry now, and would I have chosen this position for myself ten years ago? Probably not. But God did, and I love I'm loving it, and finding Him through it. Fear No More has been an anthem for me.

Album of 2019:

I'm going with No Shame by Tenth Avenue North. That album is, as the kids say, "all the feels." Seriously, if you haven't listened to it, YOU NEED TO. Some of the songs will make you want to dance, some will make you want to cry. It's seriously exceptional.

Music video of 2019:

I really don't know why I have some of these categories. Who do I think I am? The K-LOVE Fan Awards?!?! I apologize for the randomness of this post.
Although this music video released last year, I really like it. It's great. It's called Burn The Ships by for KING & COUNTRY! Enjoyyyyy.

Book of 2019:

Again, really random. This blog post should be titled, "these are a few of my favorite things... of 2019." But then I would have to talk about silver white winters, and girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.
Moving on. (if u know u know)

I read a couple of books this year, but my favorite would have to be "Not Forsaken" by Louie Giglio. It's such a powerful message about God being a perfect father. Jesus was forsaken by God, so we would never have to be. If you get a chance, I would encourage you to read that book!

Quote of 2019:

Not sure I can classify this as "quote of 2019," because I just heard it recently. But when I heard it, it really stuck with me.

"Less leads to the best" -Louie Giglio

Pretty short quote, but it's so good. It's a quote I've been reminding myself of, and holding onto this month.


I'd love for you to fill out your answers under these seven categories! Be sure to comment them down below! I'll be on the lookout for them, and I'll respond to each one! :)

Have a great week, and a wonderful 2020!



  1. Great blog post, Gracie! I can't believe It's 2020 already! Man, this year went by as quick as lightning. Can't believe it. But, I think 2020 will be a good year! (Oh my gosh, my puppy just discovered her voice!)

  2. Are you going to start the story contest soon? :D (also is there any chance it doesn't have to be aJ themed?)

  3. Honestly, 2019 was a pretty good year.

  4. Glad you felt it was a great year also, especially with everything that has happened.


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