
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What Can We Learn From Animal Jam?

Goooooooood afternoon everyone! I'm glad you're joining me today! I think you'll enjoy this post, as I certainly enjoyed writing it. I'm sorry there's no crazy intro today, I'm well...kind of running out of time to write (again, what do you know). Anyway, today we're going to be talking about things that we can learn from Animal Jam.

I'm really sorry for not posting last week. I was in the middle of working on this post, when my aunt and uncle came. They surprised my sister and I. My mom knew they were coming though.  I haven't seen them in about a year. They live very far away, so I don't get to see them often. Therefore, I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. Anyway, let's just jump right into it.

1) Animal facts:

All throughout Animal Jam you can find animal facts. I'll name a few places:

The Journey Book

The journey book holds a lot of facts, whether it be bugs, plants, reptiles, or mammals. You're sure to learn a lot of really interesting facts by completing your journey book. Is it not only about learning some really cool facts, but you're also going on a scavenger hunt for the animals and you get a reward once you've found all the animals in the land.

Chamber of Knowledge

In the Chamber of Knowledge there are some books. Here you are able to read about certain animals. Then at the end you can test your knowledge on the animal and win really cool animal trophies.

Brady's Theater

This is located in Temple of Zios. You can watch Brady Barr's videos. You can even ask him a question and he may answer it in one of his videos in the future. It's really cool to learn about these animals and see him actually handle them too!

2) How to be safe online:

Being online you need to stay safe. Just like in a city there are "bad" parts of town. There can be "bad" parts of the internet too. Animal Jam tries to keep there Jammers safe, by teaching them how to stay safe in Animal Jam. They also celebrate "Safer Internet Day" Which is coming up very soon on February 11th, this year.

There are two videos that you can watch in Sarapia Forest, which teach you how to be safe when trading and how to keep your account safe.

In the chamber of knowledge there is a place to take the the online safety quiz. When you take the quiz and you finish it; you get 25 gems.

3) How to draw animals:

I absolutely love this one. This one I actually didn't know about until I went searching for this post. I am definitely going to be using this one though. In the books, I mentioned earlier, they have a page where they show you step-by-step on how to draw that animal. It's super cool!

Here is my quick drawing of the fox. Yeah, I know. I could do better, but like I said it was a quick drawing.

Art Studio.

 You can also do some free style digital art if you would like at the art studio. This is my personal favorite.

You guys probably know how to use this feature, as it's quite popular. So, I'm not going to go on and on about this one.


I hope you all enjoyed this post! I know I did. I especially loved learning a few new animal facts. As well as, drawing the fox. It was a quick drawing, but I enjoyed it. I'll see you all next week (hopefully, as long as nothing else comes up). BYEEEEEEEEEEE

Today's Encouraging Quote: 

When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life. - Rick Warren

Today's Bible Verse:

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; - Ecclesiastes 12:1 (KJV)                                   

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.

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