
Friday, February 28, 2020

The Affect We Have on Others

Hey y'all! Welcome back to another blog post. Today, I decided that I'd do a different blog post. (well, this is a Sunday that I'm writing this so... I guess Sunday I decided this, hehe) I haven't really felt like doing Animal Jam posts lately, and that's because there's not much to get out of Animal Jam now. Maybe that's just me growing out of the game, I'm not sure. But either way, I felt like God placed this on my heart to make a blog post on this. Why? I'm not sure. But I'd rather do what He says rather than find out a hard way. Let's get into it!
Often times we don't realize the affect that we have on others. We don't realize that people are watching every action we make. We play such a big affect on others, but we don't see that far, and we just pay attention to what we want to do. What does God want us to do? Are you really doing what He's telling you to, or are you doing what you yourself want to do for your own reputation? Often times we say that we do what God wants us to do all of the time... but the truth of the matter is that we often only do what He says to do when we want to do that very thing. We are constantly struggling in our lives between the spiritual side and the flesh. Will you follow the flesh... or will you follow God?
There's a hymn that is probably one of my favorite hymns. It always catches my attention. I'm not sure who exactly wrote this hymn, but whoever wrote this hymn probably has a good story behind it. Here's the first verse, and the chorus.
                           Who is on the Lord's side? 
                                  Who will serve the King?
                           Who will be His helpers,
                      Other lives to bring?
                       Who will leave the world's side? 
            Who will face the foe?
                 Who is on the Lord's side? 
                    Who for Him will go?
                 By Thy grand redemption,
                  By Thy grace divine,
            We are on the Lord's side;
          Savior, we art Thine!
                  I love this hymn so much. Are you on the Lord's side? Will you serve the King?
Will you be His helper?
Will you leave the world's side?
Will you face the foe?
Will you go?
Are you going to be a stumbling block to those who are around you? 
A stumbling block is somebody who gets in somebody's road. They cause the other to stumble. Your actions may lead to somebody to stumble, and sometimes they even give up in the Christian life. They start to stop doing things that please God, and then get onto the other path which leads to a fall. Watch your actions.
I have so many more things I could tell you, but I feel as if this is extremely important. Don't give up in your Christian life. You may be the one who stumbled because of somebody, or some thing. Continue on your Christian journey, things just get harder and harder, but in the end I can promise you this...
This is just a little poem that I found on the internet, credits to whoever made it, I changed some of the words to fit the Christian life however... here it is.
 It will be worth it at the end.
It will hurt.
It will take time. 
It will require dedication. 
It will require faith.
You will need to make decisions.
It requires sacrifice. 
You will need to keep running the race.
There will be temptations to travel on a different path. 
But I promise you, when you reach the heavenly goal, It's
Worth it. 
Well, I guess that is it for today's post y'all. I think I might continue this next week as well.
Bye y'all! Here's today's Bible verse.
Titus 2:13 (KJV)
 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;  


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