
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

🍀🍀 Playing Lucky Clovers! + Giveaway! 🍀🍀

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog post. Today, I am sort of covering for my sister but at the same time I'm not!🤣 So, I had talked to Gracie yesterday and she said that I can now just post whenever I want because we don't really have a tight posting schedule much anymore. We're kind of all over the place, and I am super sorry about that! My sister just got a job, and I'm suuuuuper happy for her! Today was her first day, and I'm so proud of my dear sister for stepping up and getting a job. So because of that, she won't be home for a couple hours from now that I am writing this. Therefore, let's get into this blog post!
Lucky Day was yesterday, March 17th. That means that Lucky Clovers is going to be leaving soon! March has just flew by, or is that just me? I'm not sure, XDDD. Last year I posted a post about Lucky Clovers, and I played it. However, I wouldn't say it was the best quality... LOL. So this year, I decided to do the same thing again and see what I got! Lettttt'ssss get into it!
One thing that I'm going to do is turn into a flying animal. Flying is so much easier than land. If you are nonmember, of course you can play with just a land animal! But, for the members here, I'd recommend turning into a flying animal. 
I also made sure that I would NOT go into a laggy server. If you go into a laggy server, you have a chance of freezing and when you freeze, you could possibly end up closing the tab and loose all of your progress! So, I'd for sure not recommend doing that.
Now, I have started playing Lucky Clovers. Met up with a very sweet person who I happened to un-buddy (oops... lol)
Currently, I am at 30 keys! Wish me luck! Haha
Okay, now I am at 40 clovers! Just 10 more until I get the epic key! What do you think I will get in the epic treasure chest? I'm going to say that I'm going to get a rare shark fin! I always get those things, lol!
Guys! I'm on the last clover, and I just can't find it! I wonder where it could be...
Whew! I found it!
I think I missed it when I was typing to somebody. Oops... 🤣
Well, time for another round! This time, I'm going to use a map. LOL
I used a map this time, and probably got done in... I don't know... 30 minutes? Lol
I have so many of these! Lol But I mean, they can make really good outfits because they match with almost anything. :)
Whoa! That's crazy! I wasn't expecting such a good prize. I don't know if it's just me, but I think the faster that I do Lucky Clovers the better the prizes I get. That's probably just a coincidence but... yeah! I think I might do a little giveaway with this one. :)
It's just a little gift that can help you get at least something you might want. :)
If you want to win this giveaway, comment down below what your favorite month of the year is, and favorite seasonal adventure. Also make sure to type your username as well. :)
Well guys, I suppose that's it for today! Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for reading! That means so much to me. :) Here's today's Bible verse!
1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil.


  1. I love your post House! My favorite month of the year is December or August I can't choose, my favorite Animal Jam seasonal adventure is Graham's Workshop, and my username is Luckymermaid.

    1. My favorite month would have to be July or December. I know! Even different seasons, haha! Thank you for commenting, and entering the giveaway!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi sorry I haven't commented here for so long, but I do read through all of your posts!
    My favourite month is May as it is my bday and my favourite seasonal adventure is Lucky Clovers XD. User is knightft :) TY for hosting this amazing giveaway ��

    1. That's totally okay! :)
      Thank you for reading them, I appreciate that SOOOOO much!
      Aww!!! My birthday is in April! Thanks for commenting! :)

  3. This my first comment on AJFC, though I've been reading since... I dunno. October? My favorite month is March because Spring starts in March, and my birthday is also in March. My favorite seasonal adventure is Bitter Sweets because it's the only one I'm actually good at... Thanks for hosting this giveaway, House!

    Wildflower75 (My AJ Username)

    1. Hello! Aw, thank you so much for commenting! That means so much to me. Okay! You're entered. :) Haha! March is a pretty cool season. :) Ohhh, I know how that feels to only be good at some seasonal adventures, haha! I think I'm best at Graham's Workshop, or Lucky Clovers though. :) You're so welcome! (For anybody reading this comment, this giveaway will end April 1st)


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