
Friday, December 10, 2021

Bullet Journal for the Month of December

 HEY Y'ALL! Welcome back to another blogmas post!! I don't know if it's just me, but I've been loving blogmas lately!! It has been pretty fun! Time consuming, for sure... but other than that, it's been going great! Alright, so, some of y'all may have never heard of a bullet journal, while the rest of you may be familiar with it. A bullet journal is just a journal to keep track of your day to day life, like your schedule, your mood, your goals, etc etc. 

So.. for the month of December, I have decided to do one! These are so fun to create, because you can use your creativity to create it!

I may add some more pages to my bullet journal later on, but for right now I don't have much of anything to keep track of. Pretty much all I have, are just the dates, and that's okay!

Alright! So starting on page 1, normally this is where people go crazy on all of the decorations! This time, I decided to do snowflakes. Although, I've only seen snow when I was little, and once a couple years ago, snow always reminds me of this time of the year and it makes me happy! So, therefore, I decided to do snowflakes! I really like how I did them, I added a little bit more detail to them than what I originally would... just because I felt like they didn't look cute before. 🤣 But, now they do, and that's all that matters!

Alright, onto the next page! So, this page is just your average calendar. It shows you what day each date is on, and obviously goes up until the very last day of the month. I decided to make the dates red, because the theme for this month for my bullet journal is an icy blue color and red. Therefore, the days of the week are written in the icy blue color that I was talking about, and the dates are in red!

Alright, next up is a question! I don't think many people really do random questions in their bullet journal.. but I do. 🤣 The reason why I do this, is because it's fun, but not only that... I like to be able to go back on the previous years and see what I wrote down! I know that not everybody likes Christmas, but it's my favorite holiday because of what it is all about. However, not every year I always get into the Christmas spirit as much as others! This year, I am really excited to be blessed with this time of year!

So, that is all that is on my bullet journal this year! It's pretty basic, and a really short post... but I hope y'all enjoyed it! Here's today's Bible Verse!

Luke 2:5 KJV

To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.


  1. Okay, wow this is insane. Hi, I'm Gracie aka Gfox0. I don't know if you all even remember me, but I used to be part of the friend group we had in 2017.. I came across old emails when I was clearing out my gmail and the memories flooded back! I remember it was Gracie, me (the other Gracie haha), Sarah, Custard, Sarah's sister I think? And Dxexplorer girl. Probably more I'm forgetting but I truly hope you all are doing well. You all were such a huge part of my childhood and I feel teary eyed typing this as I just got saved two months ago. God is so good. I would love to reconnect with you guys! I hope and pray you all are doing well and I can hear from you all!! Much love, Gracie.

    1. Oh my gosh, where do I even begin!!! Gfox!! I totally remember you!!! I was so excited to see that you commented! I will let Gracie know that you commented. AHHH! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, GIRL! It is great to have you as a sister in Christ!!! Thank you so much for commenting, you made my night even better!

    2. Aww,how are you doing girl?! We are doing pretty well here.😁 I totally remember you and all the fun times we had together! Those were some great times, I must admit!

      Congratulations on accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior! We love hearing that! It's such a huge blessing!! Talk to you soon!


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