
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beta of the week!

Hey Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! As it say's in the title, I will be posting about one beta each week and I will be telling you all about it! Today's beta of the week is a Cami Frog!

 There are a few different stories about where the Cami Frog came from, But The story that I am pretty sure is the true one is that someone who worked in Animal Jam Head Quartet's had a daughter named Cami and she had leukemia (I'm pretty sure it was leukemia) And her favorite stuffed animal was her frog. And the people who worked in AJHQ made the Cami Frog in the Beta Day's. And I am pretty sure it was for sale in the Medical Center. But the good news is I'm pretty sure Cami is leukemia free!  Now the Cami Frog is one of the most popular Non-Member Den Beta's. They are worth about two or three smaller den beta's. I hope you guy's will enjoy my new Beta of the week series! Jam On!


  1. I never knew Cami had leukemia! Thats sad :( Im glad she's better now!

  2. I don't think cami was in the medical center because the medical center wasn't in the beta days (myth)

    1. You gotta point lol maybe it was the same story but it was in the furniture store or something

      Play wild and jam on!

  3. that's sad. reminds me of my cousin who had leukemia :( but i think it's really nice that they did that for her :)

    1. Omg! That's so sad ;( I'm so sorry to hear that!

  4. Omg that is sad! I too am very sorry to hear that!!


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