
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Star Necklace! And Gold Panning Pond!

Hey jammers! graciepopstar91 here with a item update! Yippie! First up is the Star Necklace at the summer carnival! (located in with the clothing items)

I believe last year they had this item. 

Item worth

Price: 2,000 carnival tickets
Rare: Most likely not
Beta: Most likely not
Item scale: 7/10

Pretty cute, ehh? You can also change the color of this item! 
Okay moving on to our next item! The Gold Panning Pond!

This is a pretty cool item! It goes with the Excavation Site Den Items. Pretty neat! (located in Jamaa Township, Jam Mart Furniture)

Item worth

Price: 950 gems
Rare: Most likely not
Beta: Most likely not
Item scale: 10/10!

Remember God made water!
Play wild and of course... JAM ON!


  1. What is the item scale?

    1. By the item scale i mean how much i like it, 0 would be its a really weird item i don't like, and 10 would mean i really like it!


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