
Saturday, July 11, 2015


Hey jammers! graciepopstar91 here with yet, another post! Today i went to the summer carnival and saw these sandals in with the clothing items :)

Item worth

Price: 2,500 carnival tickets
Rare: Most likely not
Beta: Most likely not
Item scale: 8/10

Pretty cute huh?! Anyways, theres another topic i would like to share with you, ya know how Animal Jam is supposed to be about animals and nature etc, Well it seems that Animal Jam is going the other way.. Ya know what i mean? It seems as if they are making it about rares and betas!! My friend Arcticstar had a good point, she said something to this effect, how in the beginning she thought the Jammer Wall was like social media.
And theres some truth to that! I don't know why Animal Jam is doing this, Animal Jam should just be called Betas, Rares, And social media! 
(Sorry I'm kinda ranting about this)

Play wild and.. JAM ON!
Remember God made YOU!

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