
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th! :)

To all jammers in the USA, Happy 4th of July!!!! :)
Go to the freedom party in animal jam to watch cool fireworks and get AWESOME patriotic den items! I have a question for all u jammers: what is your fave 4th of July food? Mine would be watermelon and a BLT sandwich! yum! 
   Remember! fireworks are dangerous! If u r doing fireworks this year, stand back! Have a hose handy! Stay safe jammers!
         Until my next post! This is Azul signing off! Jam Safe, and happy 4th! :)


  1. Happy fourth to you too Azul Artist!! I would have to say my favorite fourth of july food would have to be potato chips :D There just so yummy! Lol. And thank you for the fireworks tip :D We dont usually do fireworks but in the future this will sure come in handy!

  2. people in my old neighborhood used to do fireworks, and we always had a hose handy just in case our bushes caught on fire! :)


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