
Saturday, July 4, 2015


Hey jammers :D graciepopstar91 here! As you can see from the title I'm excited for fourth of july.. Mostly because I'm so happy we have freedom!

Now, you might not know the true importantce of fourth of july, Thats why I'm going to go down the long list of freedom :D 

Freedom of speech 
Freed from slavery 
Freedom to worship God
Freedom to wear your shoes in the house (don't ask)
Freedom to live anywhere! 
Freedom of the press
Freedom of having pets
Freedom to have children 
Freedom to be free! 

Okay its not THAT long of a list, I'm sure theres way more but those are the ones i know off the top of my head, Sadly sometimes i feel I'm not totally free, i mean like freedom to be able to cross the street, freedom to not have to do school! We still have to do those things (sadly like school..) But it can help us learn! Im so glad that years and years ago people fought for our country so we can be free! Im especially glad we don't have to be slaves! That would be terrible! 
This fourth of July think of why your happy for freedom!

Play wild and.. BE FREE!
Remember God made the world (that includes the USA!)

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th of July!!!! I just came back from my aunt's and we popped some fireworks!


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